I, too, am amazed at the amount of shooting, especially on opening day, when in the woods I hunt. I believe you have many, many gun toters who do not know how to shoot: they just know how to pull a trigger. They have no concecpt of their abilities with a gun, especially when a deer is moving or, as is the case a lot on opening morning/day, running. Nor do they know deer anatomy. There is such emphasis on the kill and so little on the hunt itself, thanks in no small part to all the slobs who produce deer hunting TV shows, that too many feel the pressure, whether self induced or induced from peers, that if they see brown just shoot and keep shooting until something hits the ground. Unfortunately, there seems to be fewer and fewer 'teachers' of new hunters who instill the love of the hunt's total experience: all the sights, sounds, textures, smells, and on and on. The kill is just the icing on the cake, but there are too many to whom the kill is everything. That's why not many hunt in my woods, and why I don't hunt pblic ground any more.
Best of luck, Arch