Honestly ...and This does not happen too often , I have no clue what some of yous is talking about ?
OR else it does happen often and agian......i had no clue , unfortunatly in that case/s noone was kind enough in those instances to draw a picture in crayon to look see .
Artilleryman , I apollogize for any ignorrace on my part in being clueless , but it happens alot and I'm used to it . I meant no disrespect . 'Master and Commander' is a favorite . So is that movie based in S.C. with the balck troops who basicly get blown away ....... The movie was about black troops being trianed by a white officer and they did a bad frontal assualt . and the beach sences were all backward ,north and south
but it was a good moive .
DD ,thank you for calling me on this . I just dont watch too many movies
eta I'm usally working on waxes or clays or bronzes or my furnace or my kiln and looking for new flask material , reading the inet about casting writing to Dan or Carronader . Dream at night about how to invest this or that ,you know venting and all that . pouring bells their size there construction and how to do more with less .
Spud wants an 1838 cannon from his home town , I can make it @ 14 inches long w/ bell to stay within the bounds of my 30 lb limit due to the small size of my crucible , thats fine .
In a dream I relieze i need to make my burnout oven taller to accomadate a 20 inch investment and flask .
Next night I'm dreaming of ways to make due , I'll remove the hinges on my kiln and stack fire brick around the top and put the top back on to increase the over all length of my abilities ........
And my wife is in love with my abilities . And the length of them .
Too !
That one is for you Doug you unwashed clamshell of a man .
I'm a newbie but I am no clamshell .
Also , I'm busy keeping you in line , making things ,screwing them up ,then making them good then investing them and eventualy casting them in Bronze and polishing ,and chasing and wondering after all I've learned where am I on this path and how to make it better .
Tim will get his 1838 cast Bronze cannon ,it will be some time B4 it happens as I ..."may have over stepped my bounds" in even offering it at this time to him but he asked , I kinda try to reach my limits which are somewhat ...'unwashed' in their nature and are a lot further reaching than babysitting a fourm all day .