JJ, I have a question for you sir, or multiple questions.
Have you ever brought this issue to Randy??? If you two are personal friends, have you ever thought of asking him why on earth he clearly points to some of his rounds as being an answer for DG.
As a professional, if he is being deceptive, that puts the people that buy his rounds at risk, ultimately it is their choice to use the round, but when you look at his site, read the stories, you tend to come to the conclusion that yes, his 4570 ammunition is efficient dangerous game ammunition. At least that is how it reads to me, and apparently some others. This puts people in danger, again, our responsibility to do our research and be legal, but he puts up an impressive argument for his rounds.
Now given your experience, you seem to have a very firm grasp on the reality of the situation, I'd like to know if you've ever discussed it with Randy and asked him why he chooses to portray his ammo that way.
This isn't an argument, take this at face value, you seem to be firm in your opinion, but are friends with someone who is firm in his contrasting opinion as well, so I was simply wondering if you guys have discussed it and what conclusion was came to.