A few years back I wonted a 340 wby in a controled feed action. The 340 would fit a Winchester classic But I wonted a full laingth extracter in stead of half.
The ruger safary was to much $$$$$. And so was all the outher custom actions at the time. So I started playing with wild cat ideas to get a 340 in a ruger standerd action. I was at a loss to achive this at a resanable cost intell the ultra mag came widly avalabl.
I shortend the 338 ultra by .1875 to fit 06 laingth.I already had a ss ruger action set aside for this rifle. It was oreganly a 270 win. So the first thing to do was open the bolt face and recut the extracter to fit a mag. The feed rails had to be opend to feed the new case.
After forming and trimming several brass a rem take off bbl was fit and chamberd for the new round. The casses was enealed and we starteed to load.
340 wby was met and some times beat with relative ease. So a new bbl was orderd a #3 Shilin 26 1-10 twist. The new bbl was fit and chamberd cut to 25".
The load this new bbl likes is 91.0gr RL25 225 accubond or Interbond (it doesn,t care witch) Fed match mag primer rem 338 ultra casses. muzzle vol 3052 avg. That actualy beats the 340. I have hunted this rifle for sevaral years and it its just what I was looking for. It packs one HELL of a punch in a stainless steel controle feed rifle. It waighs 7.5 lbs scoped and loaded! It shoot under 1/2" groops and I have never chased a wounded deer or elk, Thay simply die.