It is very expensive to get around once in Alaska. Then factor getting your moose out of the bush to a remote village, then to Anchorage, then back to your house. It is ungodly expensive. Of course if you dont kill, as is the case with most first time unguided moose hunters in Alaska, your hunt will be much cheaper. A couple years ago we flew 3 bulls out of the bush, to a village, then to Anch - this alone was a few grand.
If you knew ahead of time, that you were only going to take say 50 pounds of meat home on the plane, you'd be better off donating the meat in said remote village. But you still have antlers, which you will obviously want to bring home, and those are not cheap to get on the plane these days either.
If you go unguided, you have to get all the gear youself, and pay to get it to the bush and back out. Again, the operative word here is expensive . Or, you can rent inflatable boats, but still it adds up. Pristine ventures is a biz that specializes in hunt planning, I have never paid for his services, but I know more than a few guys who have used Larry Bartlets service and have been very pleased with the legwork and research he does for his clients.
A total DIY Alaskan moose hunt, imo, takes a long time to plan and research. You dont want to go on a whim and wing it hoping to be lucky, all for $5000 min. Plan and research extensively.
I am going moose hunting in Alaska again this year. CAN NOT WAIT!!!!
If you need any more help, PM me and I'll try to help.