You might go back to the drawing board.
Questions to ask;
1 Where am I likely to be when I need this Area is always a need to know for suvival ( rural, city, woods, desert, Mtn ??)
2 What would I hunt (rats to bear ?)
3 What can I afford to buy in weapon and ammo
4 Where I am, what's the competition
5 Do I want a mostly combat or a mostly hunting weapon (am I going to hide or fight it out)
6 Can my needs, not my wants, be met with one weapon, one caliber
7 Is someone else (wife, child) going to use this weapon
My answer to these and a few other questions came out to two bug out boogie bundles. One has a 10/22, a revolver and a short 20 guage single. The other has a S&W 357, 357 rifle and a short 20 guage single. Careful shopping found both 20 ga in bad condition at under $120 apiece and rebuilt for under 20 apiece. 22 rile and pistol under $400 for both including new sights, magazines and holster at gun shows. 357 mag rifle and pistol, under $600 for both and holster at gun shows
If I have time I take everything, If not I take 1 bundle and scoot. I really don't want anything with me that would give me enough confidence to "stand and fight". Scoot and hide top my list, shoot is last, if I have to shoot..... scoot and hide go right back to the top.