on mine I stuffed a sock into it until it filled the crevices real good, then filled it up with #9 shot (I used to load "snake-charmer" for 38 and 357), then cinched-twisted-zip tied the sock shut, tucked it in and put the factory pad back on (it seems like a really good pad actually). I put a limbsaver over that and now it feels alright shooting--- the handling took a nose-dive though. it is still so short that I can move it quickly but only if the stock is up to my shoulder/chest. Before weighting it, it felt perfect for swinging and sighting (length of pull, weight, BALANCE) now it's funky.. but my shoulder needs the padding. I might take it out for hunting but then I might not use a good stiff load after that either
I'll post some pics soon, before and after camo-taping- to prove how "tactical" it is. See if you can SEE-uhl that one Mac!