Well doc, I'm 99.999% sure its poison oak. I get it almost every year, sometimes twice. I am in the woods at least once a week & That is no exaggeration. Its how I cope with life. Some people drink, some people smoke, I go hiking & watch the wild life & relieve stress that way. I'm not experiencing any pain except in my &$$.
It just itches like heck but mostly in cooler moist weather. I didn't think about it but the calamine lotion I got, (calidryl) is fragrant & that might have been the cause of the flare up & minor spreading applying it with a tissue. I try not to itch it but like i said, It gets rubbed when putting on a shirt, bumping into a doorway, tossing & turning in my sleep and so on.... It doesn't spread that much. Its been on my elbow only, for over a year.
I'll post a picture if you want. not sure how well it will show up.
My skin is loosing color in the area & has patchy, flaky scabbing & when I have tried to remove it by scraping it with a sharp knife it seeps, re blisters & scabs over. The more it heels, the more it itches. I have come so close to getting rid of it but then I bump it or rub it accidentally.
I am gunna keep on the bleach solution.
Question? Is it possible to over do it?
I just rolled some bleach water on it with a Q-TIP & aaahhhhhh

it takes the edge off the itch... for now.
I cleaned pools all summer & swam quite a bit, That helped the most!
Knowing my luck I will just get it again next month while shed hunting.