It would seem to me that anything potent enough to kill a deer-sized animal quickly enough to ensure harvest would be a terrible safety hazard to have around, let alone stick on the business end of an arrow. Also there would be the issue of handling and consumption of the animal carcass. Something that potent could pose a real threat if it got into a scratch or wound on the dressing hunter or even entering the bloodstream of a consumer. Also, what impact might this poison have on the scavengers that feed on the disposed parts of the carcass? Not that scavengers are our top concern, but any time you start messing around with top-end predators and scavengers, there are bound to be implications for the ecosystem. All-in-all, it just seems like the risks of using poison for game hunting far outweighs any potential benefits, at least to my way of thinking.
And I won't even begin to consider the can of worms this issue might open with the "Bambi-ized" general public and the anti-hunting crowd; a headache we hunters could all do without. :?