My only frame is a "non-easy open" frame. I've never had any issues with opening it. I have very large hands (take at least an XL in glove size), and have plenty of reach and hand strength. When my daughter started shooting my frame, she couldn't open it (she's a kid). I bought her an extension bar that clamps to the release and even then she had problems. I believe most of the issue came from her small hands not being able to get far enough around the release to get a good leverage on it with her hand.
I guess I'm trying to illustrate 2 "extremes" with the same frame? Small hands vs large hands and differences in shooters? If you have reasonably large hands and good strength in them (e.i. "normal" hand strength), I wouldn't expect that you would have any problems with the frame. If you've had a hand injury, or carple-tunnel (sp?) in your hand-wrist-forearm, or problems with arthritis, you may find it's a bit stiffer than you'd like?
I have no idea whether or not this even helped you a little bit??
Your best bet is to buy the set (you can't have too many Contender barrels!), and if the worst happens and you don't like the frame, PM me and I'll buy it from you. It's the least I can do to help out another member...