I shot my first deer in 1953 and last fall deer with a 270 Win. Both were shot with factory ammo, the rest with reloads . I have shot deer in North Dakota, Nebraska, and Wyoming . I have shot them with 22-250, 243, 257 Roberts, 25-06, 264 Mag, 270,and 308 Norma Mag. Most all were taken where the bullet entered the ribs for a lung shot. Some droped some ran a ways. Hit the lungs and its a dead deer. The few neck shots put them down on the spot but I dont like taking that shot. All the shots were from about 75 Yds, neck shots, to about 350 Yds. lung shots, most shots were within 225 Yds. I have two 25-06 rifles, it is one of the many fine rounds for deer and pronghorn hunting. Find a bullet to match the game hunted and is accurate in your rifle and if you are a rifleman the deer will drop..