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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #60 on: January 09, 2010, 12:17:09 PM »
I live and hunt in ND and have used four calibers in 24 years to kill deer with; .25-06, .243, .30-30 and .44magnum.  The furthest I've ever had a deer run was less than 50 yards. 

All calibers work with PROPER SHOT PLACEMENT!  I go for double lung shots! I aim BEHIND the shoulder!  I don't understand shooting at shoulders or necks!!  Get the boiler room and get good penetration, then the target dies!
Plainsman :)

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #61 on: January 09, 2010, 12:51:30 PM »
Doh!!! ............ I just worked up a load using the Speer 120 grain flat based bullet in the 25-06 and then find out that Speer have dropped the bullet as of Jan 1st and it will be replaced with their new super-dooped protected tip bullets  >:( so I will grab the box the dealer has on the shelf and see if I can find anothrer box as well which will see me for a while.


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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #62 on: February 13, 2010, 06:07:14 PM »
I shot my first whitetail with a .25-06 a few weeks ago.  It was a nice doe, about a 40 yard shot with Remmie 100 PSP factory loads.  At the shot, the deer hunched up, then ran about 30 yds at about half-speed into a treeline.  It tipped over about 15' inside the treeline. The shot was through both lungs with exit on the far side.  The only thing that bothered me about it was the lack of a real blood trail. It worked, but that lack of a blood trail kind of nags at me some.

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #63 on: February 14, 2010, 09:54:17 AM »
Federal makes a 25-06 load with the 115 Nosler partition and one with the 117 Sierra bullets for those that don't hand load. With either of these bullets IF YOU HAVE TO TRAIL a deer anyplace you will have a blood trail. I hand load the 117 Sierra. I shoot deer through the shoulders. If you can even go in or exit a shoulder my 25-06 will drop them in their tracks 99% of the time. I am very surprised at the close range of 40 yards you got an exit with that 100 gr bullet. That bugger was still really moving at that range.

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #64 on: February 18, 2010, 02:56:18 AM »
I was brought up hunting with the elders in my family saying that one should have nothing less than a 30-06 for deer.

Had the opportunity to blast one with a 25-06 last week.  …

With such mild recoil, little muzzle blast, and flat trajectory, I'm convinced you can't ask for a better deer cartridge.

JohnnyMac007 –
The .25-06 is a truly fine cartridge for deer.  While I’ve always considered the .270 Win to be the best cartridge for a dedicated deer rifle, the .25-06 is a close second and probably the best dual-purpose (light varminting/deer and antelope) cartridge available.

Don’t have one myself but I do have a .257 Roberts I push to +P velocities, not far short of .25-06 velocities.  It is easily my favorite rifle.  Low recoil, very accurate.  Have only taken antelope with it so far (100g TTSX @ 3233fps, 300 yards), but I load 120g A-Frames to 2947fps and would not hesitate on elk out to around 350 yards.
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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #65 on: February 18, 2010, 07:38:58 AM »
I've shot several deer with my 25-06 and after i started reloading premiun bullets in it like the 100gr tsx by barnes I have never been able to find a bullet anywhere in or on the animal. All one shot kills and DRT performance.  I wouldn't hesitate on shooting elk with it either but I have other guns for that!!!

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #66 on: February 18, 2010, 02:37:23 PM »
Federal makes a 25-06 load with the 115 Nosler partition and one with the 117 Sierra bullets for those that don't hand load. With either of these bullets IF YOU HAVE TO TRAIL a deer anyplace you will have a blood trail.

I love my 25-06 Encore for deer, but don't know that I totally agree about the partitions. In the 2008-2008 season I shot 5-6 deer with it, including 2 bucks with the Federal Nosler partitions. Both of those were lung shots with pass through. One left blood for 20 yards or so, then nothing until I found him about 70 yards further.  The other  left no blood at impact or anywhere along the trail. I found him about 100 yards away. Tracked backwards after I found him and never found a drop of blood except where he was lying. Both gave great penetration, but poor blood trails. I switched to Hornady SST's and haven't had a deer go over 20 yards with the 25-06 since. Most drop where they stand.The don't always exit if I hit a shoulder on a big deer, but the deer go down quickly.   For me, the partitions did not give good blood trails or kill as quickly.   Also- my guns shoots Federal partitions into 2 inch groups vs 1/2-3/4 inch groups for the Hornady SST's.

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #67 on: February 20, 2010, 01:35:17 AM »
if a deer falls within 30 yards of the shot you don't need a blood trail. heck, maybe it didn't have time to bleed lol ;)
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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #68 on: February 20, 2010, 02:02:26 AM »
Although my experience with a 25-06 is limited, I found out a few things.  I have shot two whitetails with the 25-06. The first was a nice 145 pound doe at a measured 168 yards in a field. Sierra game king boat tail 117 grains and IMR 4831 powder.  I cant remember the load off the top of my head. She fell like she was hit with a mack truck. Double lung pass through. She was quartering away from me a bit and the bullet exited through the shoulder literally tearing the shoulder to shreds. It was hanging by a shred of hyde.  My buddy told me I needed to switch to Nosler partitions.  I got some 115 grain and sighted the H&R in with them.  The other deer I shot at about 70 yards with the partition broadside.  Double lung top of the heart. This was a 7 point 155 pound deer.  He stood there as if nothing had happened and I thought I had missed him.  I reloaded and brought the rifle back up to shoot again.  Well I could see the blood running so I waited. After a short time (maybe 30 seconds) after I reoaded he took two steps and fell over.  Both were terminal.  If that deer had ran I would not have had a problem with a blood trail as the blood was squirting out both sides.  Both were dead, one just realized it sooner.  I switched back to the sierra bullets. The doe was just walking into a field to graze and the buck was walking off a ridge to go back to the swamp.  I since got rid of that rifle, and have hunted with a 7-08 and 300 savage.  Well as soon as my income tax refund (the money I lent the govt interest free) arrives, I am going to get a 25-06 barrel for  my third encore frame which is sitting empty.  My plan sierra game kings 117 grain, IMR 4831 or H4831 depending on what I can find and a deer rifle again as well as woodchuck plunker.  I have been feeling that am being called back to the 25-06 and I will answer the call.  I really think people have gotten into the hype of advertising that game needs to drop in their tracks. Too many hunting shows and bullet ads make us feel that way.  I have shot deer with a 30-06 270 7-08 300 savage 357 mag and 50 cal muzzleloader.  The bottom line is no two were the same because no two deer were the same.  Too many variables to expect perfection every time.  I feel if I got a good shot and the deer ran 75 yards and died, he was still dead.  If he fell in his tracks he was still dead.  And thats all I got to say about that.
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Offline tuck2

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #69 on: February 20, 2010, 02:40:29 AM »
I shot my first deer in 1953  and last fall deer with a 270 Win. Both were shot with factory ammo, the rest with reloads . I have shot deer in North Dakota, Nebraska, and Wyoming . I have shot them with 22-250, 243, 257 Roberts, 25-06, 264 Mag, 270,and 308 Norma Mag.  Most all were taken where the bullet entered the ribs for a lung shot. Some droped some ran a ways. Hit the lungs and its a dead deer. The few neck shots put them down on the spot but I dont like taking that shot. All the shots were from about 75 Yds, neck shots, to about 350 Yds. lung shots, most shots were within 225 Yds. I have two 25-06 rifles, it is one of the many fine rounds for deer and pronghorn hunting.  Find a bullet to match the game hunted and is accurate in your rifle and if you are a rifleman the deer will drop..

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #70 on: February 20, 2010, 05:47:33 AM »
I have skirted the 25-06 in favor of the 270 twice now when I was building a new rifle. I just consider the 270 the 25-06's equal as a coyote rifle and it's a better all around rifle even for deer. I can use 150-160 grain bullets for hunting in the thick stuff where I don't need high velocity and nicely shaped 130's for open country. I expect the 270 to give longer barrel life also.
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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #71 on: February 21, 2010, 02:56:38 PM »
I have skirted the 25-06 in favor of the 270 twice now when I was building a new rifle. I just consider the 270 the 25-06's equal as a coyote rifle and it's a better all around rifle even for deer. I can use 150-160 grain bullets for hunting in the thick stuff where I don't need high velocity and nicely shaped 130's for open country. I expect the 270 to give longer barrel life also.

The reason I give the a thumb up to the .25-06 for varmints is the choice ov bullet weights.  I don't care for heavy bullets for varmints (even coyotes) due to increased chances of a ricochet.   The 75g .257" V-MAX works great.
Coyote Hunter

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #72 on: February 21, 2010, 04:55:23 PM »
I have skirted the 25-06 in favor of the 270 twice now when I was building a new rifle. I just consider the 270 the 25-06's equal as a coyote rifle and it's a better all around rifle even for deer. I can use 150-160 grain bullets for hunting in the thick stuff where I don't need high velocity and nicely shaped 130's for open country. I expect the 270 to give longer barrel life also.

The reason I give the a thumb up to the .25-06 for varmints is the choice ov bullet weights.  I don't care for heavy bullets for varmints (even coyotes) due to increased chances of a ricochet.   The 75g .257" V-MAX works great.

The 75 V-Max at 3,800 is quite the bomb!!  :o
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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #73 on: February 22, 2010, 04:11:56 AM »
With the 87 gr Sierra spitzer there will not be any ricochet either. Those things are bombs also. They will scatter a groundhog all over the field.

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #74 on: February 22, 2010, 05:57:31 AM »
I just don't see the 25-06 as a prairie dog gun, it burns too much powder and is too loud just as the 270 is.  I also feel shooting a 100 rounds of 25-06 in a day would be a bit tiring compared to 200 from a 22-250 or 300 from a 223.  Also barrel life is not going to be much if you turn any 25-06 into your paririe dog gun.
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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #75 on: February 22, 2010, 05:16:51 PM »
I didn't know someone said the 25-06 is a PD gun, I feel that is more in the domain of a 223 or 204, I don't see what that has to do with a 25-06, but it would be fun for the occassional long shot.
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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #76 on: February 23, 2010, 07:02:44 AM »
I was brought up hunting with the elders in my family saying that one should have nothing less than a 30-06 for deer.

Had the opportunity to blast one with a 25-06 last week.  The bullet was a reloaded Nosler 100 gr. ballistic tip traveling at about 3150 fps from the muzzle.

The deer was about 200 yards away and gave me a perfect broadside shot.  The bullet hit square in the shoulder and went completely though the other shoulder with signs of good expansion.  The doe ran about 15 yards and crashed hard.

With such mild recoil, little muzzle blast, and flat trajectory, I'm convinced you can't ask for a better deer cartridge.

For me, if I were to use a 25-06,(I once did) I would take the advantage of the extra capacity and shoot 120 gr bullets exclusivley for big game. But, if your convinced the 25-06 with a 100 gr bullet and it's mild recoil, little muzzle blast, and flat trajectory is the best deer cartridge going, better stay away from the 257 Roberts.  ;) CRASH87

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #77 on: February 23, 2010, 07:18:16 AM »
Right, why would I do that when I have a 25-06.  ;)
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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #78 on: February 25, 2010, 03:24:35 AM »
I just don't see the 25-06 as a prairie dog gun, it burns too much powder and is too loud just as the 270 is.  I also feel shooting a 100 rounds of 25-06 in a day would be a bit tiring compared to 200 from a 22-250 or 300 from a 223.  Also barrel life is not going to be much if you turn any 25-06 into your paririe dog gun.

I wouldn't choose the .25-06 or even my .257 Roberts for a day's shooting at prairie dogs, but I have used my .257 Roberts to take a few.  The .25's also make a great long-range coyote cartridge.  For that matter, if I was going to shoot hundreds of rounds in Prairie Dog Town, I would choose a .223 instead of my .22-250.  While I would probably take my .22-250 along, it would get saved for the really long shots.  The difference is between "varminting" and "light varminting".

So I guess we agree.  I've often stated that heavy varminting is the domain of the .223.
Coyote Hunter

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #79 on: February 25, 2010, 10:14:31 AM »
Right, why would I do that when I have a 25-06.  ;)

 Exactly   ;D

For me, if I were to use a 25-06,(I once did) I would take the advantage of the extra capacity and shoot 120 gr bullets exclusivley for big game. But, if your convinced the 25-06 with a 100 gr bullet and it's mild recoil, little muzzle blast, and flat trajectory is the best deer cartridge going, better stay away from the 257 Roberts.  ;) CRASH87

" ...Better stay away from the 257 Roberts."

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #80 on: February 28, 2010, 05:00:07 PM »
Back during the 1950s when I only had a Remington 22 LR and 270 Winchester rifle I used the 270 to shoot some prairie dogs  and jackrabbits. I would load up some 100 Gr Hornady bullets for  the varmint shooting. Kept my shooting  tuned up for  standing  and  running deer and pronghorn. Them were the good old days.   Back then a 25-06 would have worked gest as well for me as the 270 for varmints , pronghorn and mule deer shooting. In the mid 60s got my first 25-06.

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #81 on: March 04, 2010, 06:22:16 AM »

   2.  Take into account:  That the .25-06 is danged loud! And I mean LOUD!


Then how loud is the 257 Wea, 264 WM, 7RM, 300 mags, etc. it would be loud for an easterner shooting Varmits by a neighbors house, another good reason not to live in the East, other than that I have no idea
why the 25-06 would be louder than stated rounds & many, many others. To me it's a non-issue compared to about anything I shoot.
The 25-06 with a 24 inch barrel would be louder that one with a 26 inch.  The 24 does not allow enough room for this caliber to completely burn its charge.  Additionally, a 26 inch barrel will give more velocity than the 24 inch.  One interseting thing is that most ballistics charts that I have seen list a 24 inch test barrel.  I usually add 50 fps to their numbers.  Not like it matters that much. 

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #82 on: March 04, 2010, 12:45:46 PM »

   2.  Take into account:  That the .25-06 is danged loud! And I mean LOUD!


Then how loud is the 257 Wea, 264 WM, 7RM, 300 mags, etc. it would be loud for an easterner shooting Varmits by a neighbors house, another good reason not to live in the East, other than that I have no idea
why the 25-06 would be louder than stated rounds & many, many others. To me it's a non-issue compared to about anything I shoot.
The 25-06 with a 24 inch barrel would be louder that one with a 26 inch.  The 24 does not allow enough room for this caliber to completely burn its charge.  Additionally, a 26 inch barrel will give more velocity than the 24 inch.  One interseting thing is that most ballistics charts that I have seen list a 24 inch test barrel.  I usually add 50 fps to their numbers.  Not like it matters that much. 

I have used the 26" tubes for years, but have cronied alot of shorter ones over the years. No doubt, the 25-06 is more barrel length sensitive than any non-magnum round I have ever used & benefits from the 26". I recently tested the Marlin with a 22", shot great, but the vel. was way off.
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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #83 on: April 22, 2010, 03:16:24 PM »
I have shot two hogs with my 25-06. Both quartering away, one with a 115gr partition the other with a 115gr BST. Both showed good performance. The BST hog was about 150 pounds about 175 yards away, the bullet exited the off shoulder after entering from the back ribs. The partition hog was about 175 pounds at about 30 yards. I found the bullet under the hide on the off shoulder.
I could get along just fine hunting with only a 25-06 loaded with good bullets.

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #84 on: April 22, 2010, 03:22:39 PM »
Also, just because an animal runs, dose not mean the cartridge failed to kill quickly. I shot a nice 8 point buck at about 70 yards with my 270 shooting 130gr power points, and he ran about 50 yards. But only on one shoulder and no lungs. He left a blood trail you could have followed using BRAIL! ;D

How dead do they need to be?

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #85 on: April 26, 2010, 09:47:51 AM »
I have used a 25-06 for years on antelope, deer and one hog. It is a wonderful round for me. Mine is very loud and folks that are new to the round ask me what kind of magnum makes that much noise, but behind the gun it is not too bad.

When I went hog hunting back when I lived in California it was on private land and we had to have a guide. The guide looked at the round and was wondering about its effectiveness. When I had a chance to take my hog it was about 200 yards away and moving slowly away. One shot and it just rolled down the hill. After looking it over, the guide said great shot and he would not hesitate having me take an elk with it (not that I would since I think it is under gunned for that).

I was shooting Barnes 100 grain TSX in it. I normally use that for all my hunting and if I go varmint hunting it is 100 grain Nosler BT. I find that in my gun the point of impact is very close, so no scope adjustment is necessary.

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Re: 25-06 Just Right for Whitetails
« Reply #86 on: May 07, 2010, 02:25:44 PM »
I use my Rugar #1 25-06 for yotes, cats, deer, elk and bear. I live in Washington state.  120 grn partitions with 4350 works well for me.  Shot placement is where its at, speciallywith a one shot rifle.  Never had an animal go far.  Certainly no farther than they would go with a bow.  Range is very often under 200 yrds.  Just my .02 on the 25-06