You guy's with these,,,,gun shy,,,,,,dog's. Think about this. Why on earth would your dog fear the sight of one OBJECT and not another? It's not the gun they fear, it's the noise the object made! Hide the gun close by, show your pup a bird and immediately fire the gun that the pup can't see. Do it with a young pup and I can guarente that 90% of the pup's will be accussed of being bird shy when in fact they were imporperly introduced to a bird; and if they can't see the gun that fire's, they won't fear it until you show them that that's what scared them. Then your pup will be both bird shy and gun shy, or so the belief goes. Want to teach your pup not to eat? Hide around the corner with the gun and every time the pup drop's it's head to eat, fire the gun over it's head, that'll cure him of eating!