My wife and I have had many conversations on independent vs. republican. To make this short, she thinks we need to rebuild the republican party rather than to vote independent and have the worst ones get in office. Not getting anywhere with her most of the time, but today I asked her why the republicans have not hit the air waves and made a big stink about the house passing a 158 billion dollar jobs bill that almost nobody knows about if they are standing up for us conservatives. She did not have an answer for that and seems disgusted as I was. I think I got through some, not enough, but some.
So why is it that something this big, another 158 billion bucks of our tax money being spent on government growth, not creating any jobs, most of the money in the last stim package is just sitting there as a slush fund for re-election and pay off puposes.....not met with some screaming republicans bringing all this to light? Now I have to investigate and see how many republicans voted for this bill. This is not big enough news for the state controlled media, but I would think some republican leaders would have spent their money to get this message out if they were serious abnout us conservatives supporting them.