I went on a south Texas turkey hunt about five years ago, it was on a ranch of about 20,000 acres of land, a great rio hunt, all the turkey hunting was open land, it was a big ranch, we had a big time and killed some birds, one night it stormed and rained for the next day and night, we got in a pick-up with one of the guys who worked for the ranch, we drove around for hours, on the back side of the ranch we got to seeing 10 ft plus high fence, miles of it, he said that's were the big bucks are inside this 5000 acres fenced in section, he opened the gates we rode to a big barn and building, with fenced runs with deer, it was like a trophy deer farm, that night at the big cabin I asked one of the guides about the fenced deer hunts,he gave me two deer price sheets one for free range and one for the fenced deer, you pick out your deer make a deal on the price go get in shooting house with the camera man and that deer will show up in about a hour, to me it's like shooting cows, those tv show hunters don't tell you those fenced in hunts cost $10,000 plus.