A good start would be to get the private insurance companies truly competeing. Real competition lowers costs and improves quality of everything..be it cars, carpets or cookies. Then, get the trial lawyers out of the mix..institute tort reform.
The prez says billion$$ can be saved by eliminating waste and fraud in the way govt reimburses doctors and hospitals.
Hey; here's a novel idea;
A) Introduce insurer competition..across state lines.
B) Legislate real (not phony) tort reform.
C) Eliminate the waste and fraud in the way govt pays the doctors and hospitals.
Do these three things over the next two years, when you show the people you are genuinely serious about fixing the problem, then come back to the people and I just bet they will listen and believe better. Unless and until these three things are done, most people having observed govt over the decades will figure it is just more govt BS & "promises" which only last long enough to put us much deeper in debt.
The obvious fact is, everything points to another big govt rope-a-dope and flim-flam...whenever we see the big push for congress to vote it through without even reading it.
Now, suppose you go to Happy Harry, the used car dealer and you decide you like that little sports car he has for sale.
Happy Harry hands you a 20 page contract...saying, "just sign right there on the dotted line"
You say; "OK, but I want to read this first".
Harry says; "No need to read it, just sign..take your car and you can read it later if you like".
Now, tell me ..Do you think congressmen are eminently more honest than Happy Harry?
Do you think more can be hidden in a 20 page document than in a 2,000 page document ?
If you answered both of those questions with a YES, we can see how the Democrats still have some backers out in the real world...