Hello all. I found the site and think it is great. After I take my trapping education class this coming weekend, I will be going for coon, possum, and skunk. I have seen a few yotes around as well. Might give them a try. What do you feel I need for a basic beginner set of equipment to start out? The land I will be trapping is hardwoods along with agricultural fields, mainly corn and alfalfa. There is also a small stream going through the property. Also the south end of the property line is the Black River. I am not sure if I will trap by the river because I can get lost in a round room pretty easy. A million questions here. How far apart should sets be? The land is roughly 700 acres. I might also try some state land that is all swamp and river. I am leaning toward using 160's, but undecided on what size of footholds. Also how many traps should a person start with? In November I will be laid off for the winter (construction) :-) so time is not a factor. But of course money is, LOL. I do not know if I will put up my own fur yet or not this year. We have a local buyer that will buy them in any form. I do like to skin critters though. Is there anybody from this area that would be willing to take a newbie with them for a day or so to teach some basics? That is all I have for now, but I am sure I will be back with a gob more questions. Thank you in advance for your replies. Mike