There ya go K_J! Before gun magazines, there were magazines like FUR, FISH & GAME, and they talked about huntin, fishin, and trappin. They didn't focus on SELLING YOU A GUN, that some manufacturer had GIVEN THEM, to write the article, or their PAID FOR HUNTIN TRIP to go along with THE GUN THEY WERE GIVEN, or the AMMO THEY WERE GIVEN.
At the expense of being hammered, if you eliminate the stalk from a hunt, and you instead, sit on a ridge, stand, or mountain, with a range finder, a spotting scope, a BDC scope of large magnification, and a long range super-duper caliber rifle and shot ANYTHING, beyond 500 or 1,000 yards, is that HUNTING OR SHOOTING.
Some like to call it hunting, but if they were doing exactly the same thing to prairie dogs, they would call it SHOOTING, not hunting. JMO
I, in my youth did it both ways, but it was, what it was. I have long ago reverted back to the hunt, rather than the shoot, unless of course it is prairie dogs.
And of course it is once again. JMO