theres just more theory ,,truth or not than i can grasp.. way more than this ole country boy can grasp..what if anything i can do about..
so until he [God] lets me know,,to do otherwise.. im just gonna have the faith thats non deceptable..i do believe each person owes his family preparedness as best he men are the stewards of your family ..[wives who have lost thier husbands also] you walk with your wife at your side as co parent.. but i believe its our duty to teach our families,,to expect the best of a given day ,,but always be prepared for the worst that may happen..
now do i believe he should be executed.. yes.. hes broken laws with intention of mabe just practicing
killing ,miaming an otherwise doing harm to his fellow that my passing judgement of him .. yes according to mans necessary laws..if i do a drunk hundred down a rd with your wife an kids on it .. the same applies.. as to his spiritual guilt ,,which i think is way more important.. let the unfailable judge ..
judge this man.. just my opinion ,,i welcome yours..slim
yes im guilty of doing a hundred, drunk ,, in my dumb youth..i was guilty an spared.. i guess so i could father five children..but apparently it was gods will..he never let me kill myself or anyone else in my reckless stupid youth..
thank god for that,,as i get to care for my wife who s in great need..when our jobs done on this earth he alows us to be taken home an judged..theres only one reason i don t fear that day..although i stand in awe,,of it..
don t depend on your own wisdom.. you to will be confounded..ther is only one source of truth that holds water no matter what time william has said..
do all muzlims need killing ..its thier job to know what the book they live by you decide for yourself..
i ll not be gettin any further into a discussion of religion.. now if you want my testimony its yours for the asking..