That is the job of HS. It was specifically formed to develop recommendation to the president, congress on improving security of the homeland. They are chartered with methods and process development that provide cross agency intelligence data gathering to string and connect the dots. There are 230,000 people working for the DHS and their charter and mission is broad ranging and includes the specific component of airline security that relates to screening passengers and immigration security. HS develops the process and TSA executes it as in the case of passenger screening. HS failed at it job to ensure the processes that were already in place are working. There were multiple failures and yes, we have a right to demand that the Dutch follow our passenger screening process just like they have every right to demand we follow there's for flights out of US origins with a destination of the Netherlands.
They should either do their job or shut down the agency so we can save the cumulative salaries of 230,000 worthless employees. In the meantime, Napalitano should be fired. She is not doing her job. She should have been fired months ago when the stupid "Right Wing Extremist" report was released to the public.