thanks so much for the advice fellas..
my side buisiness after my reg job ,was lawn care.. it evolved into a service dedicated to
helping old folk stay in thier homes longer.. my customers were almost exclusively old folks who
didn t have sons or sonsinlaws to fix things that were important to them.. about the only thing i wouldn t do was electrical work..i knew how..but the ramifications could have been bad for me..if the house burnt down one night..i knew how to do it safely but that wouldn t have done me no good..
ive done things as simple as set mouse traps around ,,to fixing a weak place in a door way an just about anything else..i often thought ..i called my buisiness problem solvers for the elderly..theres some fixes were
heaven sent to my mind,,as i didn t consider myself that swift..
now last nite i went in there an fixed it so it won t run unless im around..something similar to what sourdough said ,,but leaving the power on to every thing else...if she ever get to the point of going outside nude ,,or anything..i ll have to solve that problem in his given inspiration at that time..i don t trust my own wisdom but his..thanks for everyones input.. thats what i ask for,,and i appreciate it more than you know.. slim.
ps she don t like not having a micro wave but made her understand, i had to do something to it to make it safe .. she understands im the fixer so she accepts it with grumbling ,about its time to buy another one..
one of the hardest things for me is lieing to my wife..but its necessary now an always will be ,probably..
one other thing,,needs to be understood.. the grief will kill me when i do have to put her in a home..
so possibly im just not up to doing whats right ..or mabe im gonna be up to this task of keeping her happy
until the end.. for me or her..god will help me .. possibly through you fellas wisdom..ive cared for two alzhiemers loved ones .. this while helping my dear sister mary care forem.. id go in an givum some week ends off..
but im realitively sound of mind an body,and this ain t my mom or dad..what would i do with my time if id ducked this job my present state of health..its a calling from god and i believe is the one of the reasons ,,god put us togather to begin with..again thanks to everyone.. including my father in heaven ,who deemed me worthy of this task..