I bought a take off barrel in .308, it wouldn't shoot better than 2 inches at 100 yards. factory loads and many different combinations of handloads. I guess i found out why that particular barrel was taken off. and of course now the flaming begins about my shooting skills. so be it.
I also though it might be interesting to have a twist rate I choose, and if possible a lead angle in the throat more suitable for Cast bullet accuracy. I have several .30 call bullet molds, the sizer dies, etc.
Before I had the old but accurate .243 barrel taken off I put a witness mark on the barrel and reciever. so after several frustrating months of poor accuracy, i made some soft vice jaws to fit the barrel, i machined a jig to hold the recoil lug in place, then made a wrench to fit the exact diameter of the reciever, i then swapped the .243 barrel back on. At least that made the rifle accurate enough to be interesting.
And before anyone asks, I have no personnel issues with the .243 win, just never cared for it. I bought the gun at a bargin price about 10 years with the intention of doing just what you said. and I already explained how that worked out.