Try these:
(1) How will you guarantee that the right to keep and bear arms under the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution remains a individual right unrestricted by the state? How will you further seek to guarantee the law abiding citizen's free and unimpeded access to firearms for defense and sport?
(2) How will you reconcile the concept of a 'gun free school zone and the defense of unarmed school children' with the 'moving target' concept of those who would visit harm to those children?
(3) Why would you refuse to extend the 'Castle Doctrine' to schools?
(4) Why would you refuse to allow teachers to be armed and trained in the use of firearms in order to defend the children under their care and supervision?
(5) Do you own firearms?
(6) Are you licensed to carry a concealed weapon? Do you carry a concealed weapon to defend yourself and/or your family?
(7) Do you hunt and/or support hunting rights and activities?
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How would you assure that women in your constituency and across the state have unfettered access to handguns and other firearms for defense and sport as well as access to ranges and training to maintain their defensive skills?
(9) What laws would you propose to assure that criminals using firearms in the commission of crimes suffer greater penalties and imprisonment than they would if firearms had not been used?
(10) What laws would you propose to support the use of the 'Castle Defense' so that those who would have been victimized save for their ability to defend themselves are not penalized through civil courts?
(11) What laws would you propose to enable local police agencies to sell their firearms inventory and confiscated firearms to citizens legally able to possess firearms, and to assist in the training of those citizens who purchase police issued or confiscated firearms?
(12) What laws would you propose to assure the safety of the citizenry over the social ravages of gang warfare in the streets of the cities across the state?
(13) What laws would you propose to assure that criminals adjudicated by the courts serve time at 'hard labor' for the crimes they have committed?
(14) What laws would you propose to keep sexual offenders, pedophiles and child abusers away from the population at large and under court supervision to prevent re-occurance of thier actions?
(15) What laws would you propose to keep firearms out of the hands of those determined to be mentally ill, mentally deficient or mentally incompentant? Would you support proposed legislation that allows cross checking of 'prior treatment under the state's mental health programs (including those in schools and colleges) and other background information such as a criminal history with the intent or desire to purchase firearms?
When setting the stage to pose your questions to a political candidate, try to arrange the setting to make it seem like one of those televised debates where the candidates are questioned by a panel of constituents - this puts you firmly in charge and the candidates need to respond to you, not to the greater philosophies of the cosmos; even if someone else is 'hosting' the 'debate', assert yourselves into the process - get there before hand, set up and have your people ready. Don't go alone, go in force.
I try to focus and limit my questions to singular points rather than to jumble a number of questions in one statement (but where I have failed others are welcomed to individualize further). I have found this to be a powerful tool - rather than to include multiple questions in one, the use of a focused singular question demands a focused singular response and without the ability to focus enough to sufficiently answer singular questions, most potential politicians wind up stepping on their own toes and flubbing the question. And there is nothing to say that you cannot be critical, as in - Sir, you have failed to answer the question would you like to try again?
![Huh ???](
This 'singular' technique also works in court and if your candidate is a lawyer this technique will trip him up - all you have to say to whoever is questioning you: look, I'm old (or not too smart), all I can handle is one question at a time so instead of asking 'did I or did I not', will ya please just ask me one question at a time. I have found that many lawyers get confused by that approach (sort of like it's difficult to 'dumb down').......