Author Topic: Anyone have good luck with the 10round mags in a 7400/750?  (Read 2630 times)

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Offline teddy12b

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Anyone have good luck with the 10round mags in a 7400/750?
« on: January 06, 2010, 10:19:45 AM »
I've finally decided to go ahead and purchase the 750 30-06.  I've been reading, asking and thinking about one for years.  I'm going to buy an extra 4rd mag or two, but wanted to know if anyone has had any luck with the 10rd mags.  No, I don't plan on hunting with the 10rd mags, and no I've never read anything positive about their performance, but I was hoping that maybe someone on here has.  I appreciate any advice.

Offline deersniper

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Re: Anyone have good luck with the 10round mags in a 7400/750?
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 02:00:32 PM »
I placed an order last night for a 10 round magazine for my 30-06 7600 Remington. Just thought it would be neat to have.

Offline teddy12b

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Re: Anyone have good luck with the 10round mags in a 7400/750?
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2010, 03:30:57 PM »
What kind did you buy the metal one built by triple K or the plastic clear one made by eagle?

Offline deersniper

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Re: Anyone have good luck with the 10round mags in a 7400/750?
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2010, 04:43:06 PM »
I ordered from Numrich Gun Parts, believe it was $21.48 plus shipping, about $28 total. I got the blued steel magazine, it fits the 7400 as well as 742, 760,7600 etc.

Offline Ranger J

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Re: Anyone have good luck with the 10round mags in a 7400/750?
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2010, 04:02:14 AM »
A goodly number of years ago I bought a 10 rounder out of Cabelas or it may have been so long ago that it was out of an old Gander Mountain and used it on my 30-06 742.  Never had any problems with it although that was before I started reloading and didn't run through a half box of ammo that often.  Besides it heated the barrel up too much.  I just moved and found it stuck back in one of my gun safes.  Might be fun to run through a few rounds with it again but it is cheaper and easier on my shoulder to do that sort of thing with my SKS.


Offline Elijah Gunn

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Re: Anyone have good luck with the 10round mags in a 7400/750?
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2010, 02:41:01 AM »
I always check out posts regarding the 8 and 10 round mags for the Rem pumps, and auto loaders. It seems like it's a 50/50 split in regards to weather they work or not. Half say they work well,and the other half say they are junk.
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Offline targshooter

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Re: Anyone have good luck with the 10round mags in a 7400/750?
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2010, 03:06:06 AM »
A succinct answer, no. Twenty plus years ago I used a Remington 742 in high power matches. I bought two ten cartridge magazines and a twenty (yes, they were offered) cartridge magazine. The twenty worked as long as you kept the cartridge count below 15 or so; the failure load varying if I remember between 12 and 15 cartridges. Neither of the ten shot magazines worked with any uniformity such that I felt comfortable using them in the competitions. I remember there were two kinds of failures; double feeds and cartridges failing to be picked up. It was not the rifle, it worked flawlessly with the Remington 4 shot magazines. I would search the internet before purchasing any high capacity magazines. There was an excellent article about why high capacity magazines do not work so well in the Remington 74xx rifles published in the last twenty so years. The gist of the article was that the firearm and the attendant magazine are designed such that the construction of the magazines does not lend itself well to successful high capacity modification due to the increased spring/cartridge load forces of the higher capacity magazines.

Offline kanilure

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Re: Anyone have good luck with the 10round mags in a 7400/750?
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2010, 06:59:03 PM »

Teddy, I have a 7400 and I have been using the Eagle 10 round clear mags in it for several years.  They work as good as the factory mag, but, and this is a Big But, they do not have the charging handle release on them, and they do not hold the breech open when they are empty.

The charging handle on the 7400 is not very robust and just pulling it back and letting it go does not chamber a round for me all of the time using the 10 round mags.  (I wish somebody would make a bigger replacement!)  I get around this problem by chambering the first round using the release on the factory mag, then taking it out and putting the 10 round mag in.  As long as I only shoot 10 rounds, i.e., leaving one chambered all the time, I can just insert the next 10 round mag and keep on shooting. 

I have ten of them, got them from for $7 apiece several years ago.  One time at the range I loaded up all 10 mags with Remington 150 gr FMJ and began shooting.  I shot seven full mags without a misfeed and then stopped because the barrel was getting quite hot!  So, my experience with them was pretty good despite the drawbacks I mentioned.  One plus is that the mags are clear and are numbered for the rounds, so if you loose count you can see the mag getting empty.

BTW, my 7400 is no tack driver, but it will put them in a 4" circle at 100 yards.  It is topped with an early Simmons Aztec scope, one of the good ones, I guess.

Sincerely, Kanilure

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Offline teddy12b

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Re: Anyone have good luck with the 10round mags in a 7400/750?
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2010, 03:54:45 AM »

Teddy, I have a 7400 and I have been using the Eagle 10 round clear mags in it for several years.  They work as good as the factory mag, but, and this is a Big But, they do not have the charging handle release on them, and they do not hold the breech open when they are empty.

The charging handle on the 7400 is not very robust and just pulling it back and letting it go does not chamber a round for me all of the time using the 10 round mags.  (I wish somebody would make a bigger replacement!)  I get around this problem by chambering the first round using the release on the factory mag, then taking it out and putting the 10 round mag in.  As long as I only shoot 10 rounds, i.e., leaving one chambered all the time, I can just insert the next 10 round mag and keep on shooting. 

I have ten of them, got them from for $7 apiece several years ago.  One time at the range I loaded up all 10 mags with Remington 150 gr FMJ and began shooting.  I shot seven full mags without a misfeed and then stopped because the barrel was getting quite hot!  So, my experience with them was pretty good despite the drawbacks I mentioned.  One plus is that the mags are clear and are numbered for the rounds, so if you loose count you can see the mag getting empty.

BTW, my 7400 is no tack driver, but it will put them in a 4" circle at 100 yards.  It is topped with an early Simmons Aztec scope, one of the good ones, I guess.

Sincerely, Kanilure

I appreciate you writing all of that.  I'm going to have to buy some 10rd mags.  I have several 4rd mags.  So far my 750 30-06 has been very reliable and reasonably accurate.

Offline gstewart44

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Re: Anyone have good luck with the 10round mags in a 7400/750?
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2010, 09:11:14 AM »

I have a Rem 760 carbine in 3006.    I first purchased the Eagle plastic 10 rd mag.   It fed flawlessly but the mag itself was not very durable.   I dropped it on the ground and it cracked right down the molding seam in the middle.   After that you could load the shells, then the crack would spread a little and 7-8 rds would fly out the top of the mag.

Recently I purchased two of the Triple K metal 10 rd mags.   They both fit nice and snug, but I did have to adjust the angle of the feed lips to ensure a smooth feed into the chamber.   Now they function perfectly and I would not hesitate to use them in any hunting or defensive scenario.   
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Offline canon6

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Re: Anyone have good luck with the 10round mags in a 7400/750?
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2010, 01:05:51 PM »
I am using the 10 round Triple K's in my 7600P and have not had any trouble.     hth   Doug
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