Put my vote in for ya cap. I loved some of the comments from the readers. I guess I have a few of my own,
"Delisting the wolf means taking it off the Federal Endangered Species List. And that would put control of the gray wolf it in the hands of the DNR."
If michigans DNR is anything like ours, Rectorial question by the way, But IT would be a start, to what I don't know, but we/you do need to find out.
Dr. Rolf Peterson, Research Professor of Wildlife Ecology at Michigan Tech University. "Killing a dog is very different from harming a person. Wolves know the difference. No, I don't regard the woods as an unsafe place."
The good Perfeser needs to get out in the woods a little more, sitting on his throne amongst his own kind has made him delerious and out of touch.
"In fact, we're right where we should be: "Six hundred to 1200 wolves in the U.P. We're at 600 now, so I would expect them to keep going up for awhile...but not forever."
Along with the current administration, and this wack job, we can truly see where we are headed, and
right now it aint lookin' so good.