I've known people to just yank out the affected tooth (or get a buddy to do it) when around a campfire, but personally I'm hightailing my butt strait to the dentist even if they have to medivac me. I'm quite attached to my teeth. I do my regular cleaning and checkup every 6 months (I literally schedule the next appointment before I even leave the office for my current one 6 months out
). Most of them are in great shape. Only have 1 filling (left - had one more mentioned below) in my mouth.
My only trouble tooth was one that I had worked on when I was 11-12. My mom, God bless her, was a bit tight on the wallet (I love the woman dearly but she grew up poor and never quite learned when she became an adult that she wasn't poor anymore and didn't have to scrimp like she did), so she'd take us to get our dental work done at the local health department. Wasn't always the most competent staff. My one tooth that I had filled then the "dentist" goofed up, drilled too deep, and damaged the tooth. Had to have a root canal done on that one that later failed and the tooth cracked in two not long ago and I had to have it removed. I'm getting a dental implant this summer. It's in the back so not visible which is why I've held off for about a year before having the implant done, but just from a self-image point of view I don't like having a tooth missing.