Concerning the health care passed...none of us know what's in it...cause they were not transparent in letting us know what was in it...(yes, Obama lied about transparency, but that is another story, he gave an entire speech on how nothing would pass until it went through the American people first)
What we know for sure so far is that it's a couple thousand pages long...full of regulations, and nobody is getting any health care for a long time per the party that passed what was the hurry again? LOL!!! Another emergency that was never there I guess.
So the question really is...what did we pass it for in the first place? Now the attorney general in our state along with about 20 other states are contesting this, because it imposes a huge burden of money on the state....and they likely will win if this goes to the high court...same as the Brady bill was tossed out after they passed that...which is because the feds can't lay a burden of cost on a state....simple constitutional matter....which Congress does not seem to follow when they hurry up and pass stuff. It would indeed be funny if the states shot this down the same way under the same criteria as the Brady bill.
When it is availble for me to read it all, I will...same as I did the worthless stim package....and I'm quite sure there is nothing in it that reforms anything, just as I could not find anything in the stim package that would stimulate anything in the economy.
Reading their legislation is a real wake up...I can understand why they did not want the likes of me to read this HC and post it at work like I did the stim package.