I had some old ammo that I thought I would get rid of by using of course. Loaded up the cylinder, shot two rounds and on the second shot, a total of 3 rounds went off. My intended barrel aligned round, and the 6 o'clock and 7 o'clock (approximately) rounds went off. So, my dilemma now is that when the two lower cylinders fired in the cylinder with no place to go, they actually egged out the cylinder when the lead hit the back of the barrel brace. They actually egged out the two chambers next to them and squeezed them in. I think I have described this about as best I can. Made a hell of a racket when it went off and actually didn't hurt the frame at all, just the cylinder. I have looked around and have not been able to find a new cylinder in stock anywhere and doesn't look like they even make them anymore. Any one have any thoughts on who might have one? I know I will have to have a smithy look at it if/when I get a new one for it, but at this point, I refuse to shoot it anymmore on the off chance I would do more damage to her...BTW, no luck at brownells.