Author Topic: Marlin Camp 45 Range Report  (Read 1385 times)

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Offline Joshua M. Smith

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Marlin Camp 45 Range Report
« on: January 13, 2010, 08:35:19 AM »
I recently installed a 21lb Wolff recoil spring and a Blackjack buffer (though the old one was fine) into my recently acquired Camp 45.

As I was injured at work and have some time off according to the company doc, I have some time to write the promised range report.

My back would not let me trudge the deep snow out to the 50 yard line, so I had to settle for a Quick'n'Dirty AQT target at 25yds.

This target at 25 yards is supposed to duplicate shooting at a human head and torso at 100 yards.  Of course, this doesn't take into account bullet drift and drop as much as the actual range would, but it'll do for this.

I was shooting unsupported prone.

The first thing I noticed was that it was hitting high.  The high upper left represents my last seven military ball rounds.

I lowered the rear sight one step and fired seven hard cast reloads, 230gn bullets over 5.2gn BE, which should be fine for this carbine.  They struck a bit lower, chewing the bottom out of my previous group, but they still struck high and to the left.

After drifting the sight a bit and lowering it to the last step, I loaded four rounds into the mag.  Holding at 6 o'clock, I was able to put those four into the black, with one touching the one inch "V".

Unfortunately, I seem to have run out of ammo after that.  I had gone through a primer dry spell and was unable to reload.  Plenty of cases, powder and cast bullets, but no primers til now.


I fired this carbine after I first got it.  The 11lb recoil spring was really letting the bolt slam home, and though it hadn't been shot enough by the time it fell into my hands to really even mark the buffer, I replaced it because it was likely dried out.  The combination of the buffer and 21lb recoil spring make quite a difference, and though recoil is still stout (I shoot this load from a HANDGUN???) it's more than manageable. 

I do not like the sights.  Open sights have never been my friends, but I do not want anything electronic on it.  I guess I'll live with it.

The round front sight just begs to be put ON the target, COM, not underneath it.  However, at 25 yards, it is just out of its adjustment range.  I have it elevated for what should be 50 yards, and so that's alright with me.

This carbine loves hollow points, and seems to have a special fondness for Hydra-Shok 230gn. 

Though it's a blowback action, it doesn't seem to shoot too dirty.  It's actually quite clean.

When it comes to lubrication, it seems that lightly coating the bolt with CLP works best.  No malfunctions.

As a summer brush gun and a home defense weapon to compliment my other full power rifles and handguns, I believe this carbine will fulfill these roles admirably, especially since pinpoint accuracy is not a concern and the max distance used will likely be under 50 yards.


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Re: Marlin Camp 45 Range Report
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2010, 08:42:26 AM »
Seems like a shooter! I have always wanted a 45 camp rifle. Gonna have to get one someday.

Thanks for the post!
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Offline .450Marlin

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Re: Marlin Camp 45 Range Report
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2010, 10:51:58 PM »
 Nice report there, good to see the old Camp Carbine is treating you well :) I've always had a soft spot for these guns, though I've never actually been able to get one for my (now very meager) collection. I do happen to have the modern day semi-equivalent version though, in Hi Point's 995 Carbine; it can serve the same functions equally well, and comes standard with decent peep sights and a handy pistol grip - it doesn't hold as many rounds as the 'Camp though, and mine is only a 9mm.

 When I first read your post, the comment about 'stout recoil' from a .45 ACP autoloading rifle surprised me; then I remembered that my Hi Point can get pretty snappy with hot loads and nothing but a T-Shirt on. They have a new version out now with a a fancy, tactical stock that might take care of the recoil problem, which is good, seeing as how this model is supposed to be released in .45 ACP this spring ;D

 Seeing as how you aren't too thrilled with the factory iron sights, perhaps you'd consider going to the aftermarket? At the very least, a better rear sight might help you out; Marlin irons have a reputation for being pretty rough on the eyes - I know they are on mine. I have had very good luck with peep sights of varying styles on numerous guns, and can definitely recommend them :) I'm sure there are a bunch of types out there that would work, but I find this fellow's product line very intriguing: His work is well regarded, and I'm sure he could work with you to create either a receiver or barrel dovetail-based setup for a reasonable cost. And if any of this is not to your taste, might I suggest a compact, fixed power scope; my best friend and his brother have Hi Points with inexpensive 4x30 NC Star scopes mounted on them, and apart from having a short eye relief, they work quite nicely :) Having used both peep sights and compact scopes on pistol-caliber carbines, I can say that both work well depending on the task at hand ;)

 Hopefully, my little rant will have helped you some. If not, at least it helped improve my typing abilities ;) ;D I hope you are well & that your little Camp Carbine continues to be a reliable performer :)

Kind Regards,

~.450 Marlin~

Offline GatCat

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Re: Marlin Camp 45 Range Report
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2010, 12:09:32 AM »
Speaking of reciever sights...the Marlin Camps use the same scope base as the 336's, etc. So, I think it would be a sure bet that the newer Williams reciever sights that mount on the rear, top two holes on the newer (NOT the side mount ) 336/.444/'94 etc. would also fit the Camps. You might need a taller front sight, but that is easily done.
I'd really like to see Marlin re-introduce them, maybe with a "wide-bottom" to take para-ords ( and other ) staggered mags.

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Re: Marlin Camp 45 Range Report
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2010, 04:10:50 AM »

I have had a 45 Camp Carbine for years and would like to make the same modification you have. Where did you get the 21 pound spring and Blackjack buffer. I like this little rifle.

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Re: Marlin Camp 45 Range Report
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2010, 08:20:13 PM »
Cheese, I hope you don't mind my jumping in on your question. I got mine through Blackjack Buffers, both the buffer, and the wolfe spring ( they sell two, one lighter one for 9mm's, and the other, heavier, for the .45. I got my order from them very quickly ( I also got a couple of buffers for the SKS ). They were great to deal with.  .

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Re: Marlin Camp 45 Range Report
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2010, 02:00:37 AM »
Thanks Gatcat!

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