I've been using an RCBS pad and their lube.
I just came into several 100 1X fired 223 and had to try something different. I ran across that page that mbopp linked and saw the dishsoap tip on the bottom.
So I put a little on my brush and did all the necks, then layed'm all in a cake pan and "drizzled" a bit on'm and rolled'm around with my hand,,I let'm air dry about 1/2 an hour so they weren't "wet" and it worked great
The soap left on'm was an added bounus. After trimming when it came time to wash, back in the cake pan,,a little water and sloshing/rinsing and their done.
I'm a litte concerned about build up in my die, but all I have to do is a water clean-up and I should be good again. I didn't have clear like the tip said, the Dawn Ultra I had on hand worked fine. Now those were just little 223, No Hydrolic marks, a little extra care might be advisable with big cases. I'll still use my pad and RCBS lube but for that volume of cases the soap worked.