I've read your post regarding whether evidence of societal improvement resulting from contributions from Americans with greater pigment concentration. I'd have to say, absolutely.
Does that mean that I like rap music, or pants hanging halfway down the butt, or the destruction of the King's English, or any number of other annoyances of youth and ignorance? No.
But, each individual must be given the opportunity to prove himself, and his character. I've seen plenty of neo-nazi skinheads that offend me even more than a young dummy that can't read, talk, or dress for success.
You might find this link helpful, if you are looking for positive contributions to society by our brethren of another color.
I noticed your obligatory condemnation of " plenty of neo nazi skin heads." Whites like you attack their own because they can and because they think it will prove they're not racist. Pretty disgraceful. When was the last time "neo nazi skin heads" rioted and burned down a city? When was the last time white people rallied in support of them when they were convicted of crimes? The answer of course is: Never.
Most of the young "skin heads" I have met were reacting to black and other minority violence against them in schools and other places, thanks to forced integration. Did it ever strike you as weird that blacks were so insistent about attending schools with white people whom they condemn as vicious, violent racists? If we're so evil, why do they try to attach themselves to us at every opportunity? Because they know they will not be victims of racially motivated violence in public schools or in white communities, and they can dish it out to white kids without any fear because there is no political support for white kids who are terrorized by non-white savages, whether those savages are black or Hispanic. [In So Cal, white kids were ordered not to display an American flag in school because it "offended" the Mexicans. American children were ORDERED not to display an American flag in an American public school!]
Plenty of black civil rights organizations will stand up for black murderers and robbers. Can you name one organization that stands up for white children who are the victims of non-white savagery? If you find one, let me know, because plenty of innocent white kids need help. The rulers of this country and gutless white people have spoken: "Screw white children." Just please don't forget to send your tax exempt donations to Haiti!
My question was what institution can you name that has been improved...instead of having its standards lowered... to admit the presence of Blacks. Name one university, one community, one city, one country that is uplifted by them as a group. No one has listed a single one. Evey profession, school, etc., lowered its standards to accommodate them. Both Michele and Barak Obama were beneficiaries of lowered, affirmative action standards. (Michele Obama was involuntarily suspended from practicing law by the Illinois state bar in 1993!) Why do you think this clown reads ghost written speeches from a teleprompter and becomes a dribbling idiot when he has to speak in his own words? He's an affirmative action phony, that's why. They finally achieved the presidency and their guy is a total fraud and a grifter.
Every city I've ever seen controlled by them was run like Haiti or Zimbabwe, such as Detroit, Newark, Compton Cal. I read in a recent Time magazine that in Detroit they celebrate Halloween by burning houses and that a couple of years ago they burned 300 houses! Look at Katrina. I saw video on YOutube of black New Orleans Police officers pushing shopping carts down department stores and loading up with consumer goods.
Your web site listed a bunch of black inventors. I never heard of any of them except Geo. Washington Carver and Charles Drew and I doubt many blacks ever heard of them either. Drew was a black doctor for whom the King Drew Hospital and the Drew Medical school in L.A. were named. King Drew hospital was closed by the feds because of corruption and incompetence and Drew Med school lost its accredation. King Hospital was a brand spanking new hospital given to the "Black community" by Los Angeles county after the Watts Riots of the 60's. It was lavishly funded by guilt ridden white tax payers, but over the years the Black staff, doctors and employees stole everything that was not nailed down and quite a few things that weren't. Finally, the Feds shut it down. You guessed it. The local "black community" blamed white racism.
The black "leaders" listed on you web site were either all communists or openly white hating racists.
The black "community" supports its murderers, drug dealers, torturers, robbers, etc. Convicted cop killer Mumia Abu Jamal is a black icon. Tookie Williams, black armed robber and multiple murderer from Los Angeles, attracted massive protests including the Rev. Jesse Jackson who protested his execution for the murder of several white victims while he robbed a convenience store of $75.00. The cries for compassion for the dead white victims shot execution style by this monster were drowned out in the black community's parades and celebrations of their heroic killers. These are just two examples. There are many more. The black "leaders" are always moaning that there are too many black males in prison. Well, there are. If you want to reduce the black males in prison then persuade black males to stop shooting each other. How tough is that to figure out.
Where I live in Los Angeles, Mexican illegal aliens and gang bangers are shooting blacks on sight and running them out of town. It's openly acknowledged that there are entire communities where blacks can't safely show their faces. But...when there have been clashes between the police and the Mexicans, the "black community" comes out against the dirty rotten "racist" cops and in favor of their brown bretheren! These people are hopeless! "People of color" hate white people and you better get used to it and no amount of crawling on your belly and talking drivel about black "inventors" will change it. When they get their numbers up, they will exterminate us. Then when the indoor plumbing and electricity stop working (like in Haiti, Zimbabwe), they will blame the whites they slaughtered. What do you think happened in Haiti. That island was a bread basket. So they slaughtered all the whites and now it's an open toilet, constantly dependent on charity from the whites in other parts of the world they didn't manage to massacre. Same in Zimbabwe. That country was a breadbasket. They got their "freedom" and ran out all the white farmers, and now they're an international charity case to which guilty whites around the world are told to send their charitable contributions.
My challenge remains: Name an institution, a city, a country that is all black or black controlled that is uplifted or ennobled by them.