I think the best way to "fix" health care is to take it incrementally which cost nothing. First, open up insurance across state lines. With competition, you can get lower prices and packaged deals for your conditions. Second, tort reform, to limit liability, to say $1,000,000. My doctor said he paid about $4,000 a month in mal-practice insurance, because there are no limits to the maximum lawsuits.
These changes would cost nothing in taxes. Most Democrats came from a trial lawyer backgrounds and don't want tort reform. You could mandate people buy health insurance if it is offered by their employers, but I don't think that is fair. But a third thing, is to allow a collection of small business owners pool together and buy insurance like the big corporations. If a small business owner has 4 employees, and one has a pre-existing or bad condition, it brings the group price up. However if he pools with 20 other employers with 4 people, that dilutes the conditions enough to bring the price down. These changes could cover 85% of the people, then Medicaid and Medicare could cover the others.