okay I have a 260 and a 7mm-08. face it: with 120 and/or 140 gr bullets, the 7mm-08 is gonna have the edge in velocity
Now, being that us gun owners are never redundant
I've thought
"hey why not make my 260 a 243 magnum?"
so here is my great idea: load my 260 with 100 gr bullets and make it a screamin demon?
Hornady makes a 100 gr spire point in 6.5 that has some good reviews. I imagine getting better than 3000 fps shouldn't be a problem...
what do you think?
I wouldn’t, for multiple reasons.
1. I don’t like cup-and-core bullets at high velocity. Hornady’s 7th Edition lists 3200fps for their 100g Spire Point and at 150 yards it is still going faster than I like for such bullets, especially when they are lightweights like the 100g. My hunting loads need to perform at all ranges from the muzzle to as far out as I’ll take a shot.
2. A 100g Partition would be more to my taste and Nosler #6 suggests a maximum velocity of 3365fps.
3. Better yet, a 130g Scirocco would get my vote (as it has for my 6.5-06AI) due to its construction and extraordinarily high Ballistic Coefficient (.571 vs. .358 for the Spire Point and .326 for the Partition).
4. When zeroed for a max rise of 3”, the 500-yard trajectories are -28” for the 100g/3365fps Partition, - 31” for the 100g/3200fps Spire Point and -33” for the 130g/2900fps Scirocco. Each drops below 1000fpe as follows: 445 yards/Spire Point, 460 yards/Partition and 735 yards for the Scirocco.
5. Comparing the three at 735 yards:
-106”, 1860fps, 1000fpe = 130g Scirocco @ 2900fps
-105”, 1543fps, 528fpe = 110g Partition @ 3365fps
-111”, 1565fps, 544fpe = 100g Spire Point @ 3200fps
Although the trajectories are close, the Scirocco is the clear winner in terms of retained velocity (required for bullet upset) and energy.
By the way, the only Scirocco available in 7mm is 150g with a BC of .515. At 2869fps (Nosler #6) or 2800fps (Hornady 7th), while it isn’t far behind, can’t quite keep up with the .260 Rem/130g Scirocco, either. At 735 yards:
-106”, 1860fps, 1000fpe = .260 Rem, 130g Scirocco @ 2900fps
-123”, 1691fps, 952fpe = 7mm-08, 150g Scirocco @ 2800fps (Hornady 150g velocity)
-115”, 1741fps, 1010fpe = 7mm-08, 150g Scirocco @ 2869fps (Nosler 150g velocity)
My advice, if you want a long range load, is the 130g Scirocco. Less recoil, flatter shooting, higher retained velocity and 99% the energy of the 7mm-08/150g Scirocco.
By the way, the 130g Scirocco is what I’ve chosen to use in my 6.5-06 Ackley Improved. For target rounds I use the 140g A-MAX.