Author Topic: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser HELP ??????????????????????????  (Read 6652 times)

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My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser HELP ??????????????????????????
« on: January 23, 2010, 07:53:15 AM »
This little carbine was reworked by "Ye Old Gun Shop" in LA Cal. In the 60's they took the longer barreled 91's and shortened them into carbines.  The first thing we can tell about them is the swept back bolt.  Here's some pics.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser carbine
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2010, 07:55:00 AM »
Here's the swept back bolt;

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser carbine
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2010, 09:03:43 AM »
Pictures are a little dark but it looks like a nice sporter. A friend of mine was given an M-91 that looked like it had just come out of the factory. An old fellow that was sick that lived a few houses down from him that he had helped get his affairs in order and had kept check on him for a few years died. His son that lived in another state came in for the funeral and to take care of business. He found this rifle in the house and gave it to my friend. It just had some dust on it. When he cleaned it up it looked new. The son had no idea where his father came across the rifle. 

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser carbine
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2010, 02:19:08 PM »
I'm glad i kept it, its a sweet little mauser.  Its a quality built german mauser too.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser carbine
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2010, 04:55:05 PM »
fun rifles and a great under appreciated cartridge.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser carbine
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2010, 06:26:09 AM »
Does anyone have a favorite bullet or load that they use in these carbines??

I got this one when an older collector was trading in his collection.  He had two and now i wished i got both of them.  He also had FN49's, Svt-40's and some P17's.(or P14's) like 3 or 4 of them which i passed on, stupid me.

Offline mtbugle

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser carbine
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2010, 04:50:21 PM »
I have one of these 91's also.But I think mine is originally a carbine? has the sling loop on side of butstock but not one on forearm. bolt is just turned down, not swept back. It also looks like a shinney penney. obviously it has been refinished as metal is prominent and the stamped serial # on stock below #'s on barrel is barely discernable. I havn't shot it yet but inside of barrel looks like new. I have shot my 1901 full length though and it shoots great. unfortunatly it has been sporterized. I also look forward to recipies for loads for these carbines. Looking through the sights though I have to say the rear v notch is very narrow, I can hardly see any daylight on sides of front post to get good centering.
Thanks Don.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser carbine
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2010, 07:34:33 AM »
Ok my problem continues with my '1891 arg carbine.  I ordered new priv-partizan brass and changed over two rounds of the surplus to the new cases and the bolt is still hard to close when the ammo is chambered even with the new brass.  I was told that the arg surplus rounds had poor quality control and that the brass was sized wrong.

Now i'm going to remove the barreled action from the stock to see if its tight when i try to chamber a round next.  If its ok then i think its the stock thats warping the barreled action.  I figure that this is my last check before rereaming the chamber.

I have run out of things to try, I even plosihed the chamber with the simi-chrome polish so i know its smooth too.

I can rent a 7,65x53 arg chamber reamer with the go & no go headspace gages.

Any thoughts on what else it can be as to why the bolt closes hard???

Offline Huffmanite

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser carbine
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2010, 03:58:04 PM »
1911crazy, Seriously doubt a stock could be causing your hard to close bolt problem. Any chance of crud, a burr or something in the lug recesses of your action that is pushing your bolt forward.  As you probably already know, won't take much to cause a hard to close bolt problem.  For example, have it often with brass I've reloaded that has a very slightly bent rim.  Simple pass or two on a fine grit sandpaper with brass primer end down on the paper, takes off the rim high spot, and solves my problem.  If you reload the 7.65 argentine, I'd try to resize the shoulder of the brass lower to see if that helps your problem.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser carbine
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2010, 03:28:38 AM »
The action is still the same with the bolts/band loose on the receiver.

I'll inspect the new brass closer and try the resize first.

I looked at the rent a chamber reamer site and i can rent the 7,65x53 reamer with the go & no go gages.  It maybe worth just checking the chamber with the go gage too.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser carbine
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2010, 01:40:09 AM »
1911Crazy:  when you say the bolt is hard to close, whatcha mean???  Is it difficult to chamber the round, that is, get it into the chamber from the magazine or close the bolt on a round you are stripping from the magazine?  Your action should be a cock on closing action - is that the difficulty you are experiencing? 

When you chamber a round from the magazine does the bolt leave a shiny mark on the case rim or the case head??  In other words, is the brass/case too tight a fit???  You may need to reload for this rifle... Can you drop a round into the chamber and have it fit, that is, does it drop in all the way?? - the Mauser extractor is not designed to allow a case to be chamber unless it is stripped from the magazine.

Compare some of the new PRVI 7.65x53 cases with some Russian 7.62x54R and see if there is any difference except for the rim shape - these cases are not dimentionally identical at all but sometimes mistakes are made....

Gotta agree with the Huffmanite - doubt it is your stock and will betcha that trying to close the bolt on a rifle out of its stock is gonna be tougher than when it is in the stock.....

Let's keep going on this until we figure it out.  HTH.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser carbine
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2010, 12:11:46 PM »
Guys its a lot harder to close the last bit of the bolt way more harder than it should be.  I'm either loading the rounds out of the mag or placing the round on the bolt so the extractor holds it when i try to close the bolt.  If i use force the bolt will close on the ammo.  I think its been rechambered in 7,65x53 arg and its shallow when they cut the barrel down.  The bolt closing should be no more or less than the 6,5mm swede with the firing pin setting on the closing of the bolt right?

Offline Huffmanite

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser carbine
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2010, 05:22:33 AM »

"I think its been rechambered in 7.65X53 and its shallow when they cut the barrel down" - hmmmmmm, 91 Argys only made in 7.65X53 so doubt if it's been rechambered.  However, if rifle has been worked on before to solve a headspace problem, i.e. barrel removed and its shoulder lathed to move barrel deeper into receiver could explain your problem.  Check location of serial number on receiver and see if it is lined up with serial number on the barrel.  The numbers should be along same line.  Leastways, this is true for my 91 Argy.  Also, there should be a timing mark under the barrel that lines up with timing mark on receiver, if it doesn't line up there, then yep, good chance barrel has been set back.

I'm curious if the serial numbers on barrel, receiver and bolt are matching.

As for your question on comparison with 6.5 Swede.  Yes, the Argy should close with about same pressure needed for your Swede and the Argy does cock on closing of the bolt too.

By the way, I too have a 91 Argy some company cut down barrel on, shortened stock and bent/swept back bolt handle a long time ago.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser carbine
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2010, 05:47:13 AM »
These cut backs, swept back bolts and carbines were made from long barreled 1891's by "Ye Old Gun Shop in LA, Calif." so i been told on another forum.  They were done in the 60's so these guns would sell.

Offline mtbugle

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser carbine
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2010, 02:28:07 PM »
If you have full sized one of your brass and it still does not fit then I think the headspace is the issue. I have an 0
3-a3 that had issues of bolt closing due to a bind under the down turned handle and stock rub. So looking for a bind at bottom of turned down bolt could be valuable. It should not close significantly harder than closing on an empty chamber.
thanks Don.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser carbine
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2010, 10:54:04 AM »
1911Crazy:  when you say the bolt is hard to close, whatcha mean???  Is it difficult to chamber the round, that is, get it into the chamber from the magazine or close the bolt on a round you are stripping from the magazine?  Your action should be a cock on closing action - is that the difficulty you are experiencing.

Let's keep going on this until we figure it out.  HTH.

Mikey; Your right lets keep this going till we figure it out.  I always get torn away on some projects to do something else then i forget about it for years at a time.  I guess I'm growing old....yup old age...

Ok update;  Today i just ordered the chamber reamer in 7,65 argentine and i rented it with two headspace gages too a go & no go.  I just want to lightly kiss the chamber with the reamer to remove any burrs were the taper on the front of the brass case were its binding.  This should do it.  Well in a few days we'll know for sure.  I'm not forgetting to do this one its been sitting here for years now just waithing to be fixed.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser HELP ??????????????????????????
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2010, 10:51:02 AM »
I received the 7,65x53 argentine chamber reamer with the go/no-go gages.  My problem is the pilot on the reamer doesn't fit into the bore of the rifle at the muzzle end.  I just wanted to see if the pilot end of the reamer fit the bore first before doing anything else.  The bolt won't even come close to closing on the go gage too.  I'm not giving up yet.  But things are starting to wear thin was we speak.  Now i'm thinking its a wildcat round.  I tried a 7mm bullet in the muzzle and its loose.  The barrel is an orginal 7,65 bore because all the serial numbers match the receiver.(orginal stamping)  I tried a 7mm mauser case in the bore and it felt good.  The 7mm mauser case neck is a tad shorter than the case neck on the 7,65x53 round.  So i'm thinking its a 7mm mauser or a 8mm mauser brass 57mm long case since there pretty much the same case dimentions.
I'm thinking since there wasn't much of the 7,65x53 brass to be had in the old days they made it a wildcat round because of the availability of the brass.

 Now i have to use cerrosafe and do a chamber casting first???  So i can be sure what size the brass case is that they re-reamed it to.  I remember the salesman in the store saying it was a 7mm so i'm figuring the brass is 7mm mauser brass.  Is there a 7,65x57,  a 30/57 wildcat???  I guess i'm going to have to check the barrel id diameter too so i can tell what diameter bullet it is too. I'm back to square one until i do a chamber casting.  I hope this gun is worth all the trouble.  I been looking at new barrels too.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser HELP ??????????????????????????
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2010, 06:28:12 PM »
Just tuned into this. Take your shellholder and if you have a course stone Take some metal off the top. This will allow you to get more case into the full length sizing die. Sounds as though you are not resizing the cases enough. Try this before using the reamer. Another fix is to set your full length sizing die up a little higher and raise the handle so it cams over this also will get more case further into the die. I'd try the shell holder trick first. Old motto always work on the cheapest item first. Don't be bashful about stoning the top of the shellholder. They are hard so may take awhile to remove some metal. I had an '06 with tight headspace. National match cases would not chamber. Had a buddy with a surface grinder take .005 off one shellholder and .010 off another. The .005 did the trick. Hope this helps. I love the 1891 argies also. Frank

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser HELP ??????????????????????????
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2010, 07:02:45 PM »
Brownells sells a simple kit to do a chamber casting, comes with clear instructions.  Buy one and try it.  Its the only way to know what you have.  By the way, I think the 91 cocks on closing, which feels much different then a normal cock on opening action, like a 98 or a Rem 700.

Personal opinion is a good thing, and everyone is entitled to one.  The hard part is separating informed opinion from someone who is just blowing hot air....

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser HELP ??????????????????????????
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2010, 07:17:12 AM »
I mic'd the bore and its .309 to .310  thats .765.  I tried the go headspace gage on the bolt to find out its not even close so its a shallow chamber.  I took the headspace reamer with the pilot and it fit right in and i started cranking on it.  It seemed to be cutting mainly in the front where the brass case i lapped in showed were a hard rub mark was.  After a few slow goings on the chamber reamer its now a perfect 7.65x53 argentine chamber again.  It came out perfect.  I think they removed the barrel and cut it back leaving the chamber shallow and maybe forgot to re ream it.  But its golden now.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser HELP ??????????????????????????
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2010, 09:46:28 AM »
Now I want this rifle for my grandchild.  Since thje 7,65x53 round is a barker I been wondering what you guys think of chamber adapters.  The barrel is like .309 to .310" getting a chamber adapter to 7,62x39 maybe a great idea this way the kid can plink with the cheap FMJ or hunt with the 123gr, 125gr or 154 gr soft point.  What do you think, what do you say???

Rather than hand the kid a semi auto i'd rather slow him down with a bolt action.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser HELP ??????????????????????????
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2010, 06:29:55 PM »
I'm glad your reamer and guages did the trick. If the bore is in good condition why not try cast bullets? Since you already have the bore diameter size .002 over the bore size and your good to go. Don't cast for anything?. Not a problem, google is your friend. Look for lyman's "314299 have it sized to .002 over the bore diameter. Was origionally for the 303 british, but shoots well in the argie and moisin nagant rifles. Do a post in the cast bullets section here for powder charges. Would be a good load for starting a new shooter and fun as well. Frank

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser HELP ??????????????????????????
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2010, 07:49:58 PM »
My guess is, is that the bolt was not the bolt that this rifle was originally headspaced to and you have a tight chamber because of it. You seem to have fixed that problem.
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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser HELP ??????????????????????????
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2010, 03:08:03 PM »
I mic'd the bore and its .309 to .310  thats .765.  I tried the go headspace gage on the bolt to find out its not even close so its a shallow chamber.  I took the headspace reamer with the pilot and it fit right in and i started cranking on it.  It seemed to be cutting mainly in the front where the brass case i lapped in showed were a hard rub mark was.  After a few slow goings on the chamber reamer its now a perfect 7.65x53 argentine chamber again.  It came out perfect.  I think they removed the barrel and cut it back leaving the chamber shallow and maybe forgot to re ream it.  But its golden now.

Be advised there were dimensional changes made midlife in this cartridge that MAY be your problem. There have been cartridges made with slightly different case lengths, shoulder dimensions, etc. At one time these were called 53mm & I have also seen them identified as 53.5 & 54mm cases. Do a google on the history of this cartridge & probably that will help clarify things. It was originally brought out in 1889 as the Belgian Mauser.

The big change was between M1891 & M1909, if I recall correctly. When you do your cerrosafe cast you can compare the numbers to several different loading manuals & see what they tell you.

Just don't forget this isn't as strong as a M98 Mauser & keep the loads mild.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser HELP ??????????????????????????
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2010, 06:07:41 AM »
Merle. I am shooting both the 1891 and 1901. Could you be a little more specific of differences. I thought they were same.
BTW I took both out for a shoot yest. and fired 3 three round groups through each and all were less than 2" groups at 100 yds. Pretty good for me with iron sights, esp military sights.
Thanks Don.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser HELP ??????????????????????????
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2010, 01:49:56 PM »
My ammo (the surplus stuff) measures 53.5 in case length.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser HELP ??????????????????????????
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2010, 03:14:40 PM »
Merle. I am shooting both the 1891 and 1901. Could you be a little more specific of differences. I thought they were same.
BTW I took both out for a shoot yest. and fired 3 three round groups through each and all were less than 2" groups at 100 yds. Pretty good for me with iron sights, esp military sights.
Thanks Don.

I'm working from memory here, but there was a string about this over on "" several years ago, complete with cartidge dimension sketches from different years. IIRC, the big change was from the M1891 to the M1909. When my last computer crashed, I lost all of it, thus my suggestion to try google. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd go hunt it up & save it on a CD, but.....

Basically, there were minor changes in the shoulder dimensions & neck length, as I recall. If you have a larger chamber, you'll be OK, but a minimum chamber & a max cartridge can be a real tight fit. I have had minor problems with some lots of ammo in my M1909 rifle, but my M1909 carbine swallows anything I feed it. The accuracy varies pretty much along the same lines too, but since the rifle is like new & the carbine is well worn, that could easily be the difference too.

Hope this little bit of extra info helps.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser HELP ??????????????????????????
« Reply #27 on: February 24, 2010, 05:56:29 AM »
Thanks Merle. I will have to check this out. sounds interesting.
Thanks Don.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser HELP ??????????????????????????
« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2010, 07:43:16 AM »
I've owned a 1891 7.65 Argentine rifle since the 1960s.  For last 15 years or so, I've spent quite a bit of time reading internet posts about this rifle and its ammunition.  I'm hardly an expert on the rifle and its ammo, but have found these two past posts on Parallax Bill's Curio and Relic and Miltary Surplus Firearms Forums back in March 2006 interesting.

"If you get chamber reamer prints from JGS #3021 Belgian 7.65 and #3504 7.65 Argentine you will see they show a total of 3 different headspace measurements.  Whats funny to note is on the Belgian chamber print, done by Winchester in 1940, notes 1891 chamber is .010 longer than model 1909, which makes me think they meant argentine.  On print 3504 they show even longer headspace for modern cip spec argentine and larger chamber size.  They also show shoulder angle of 22-30-0 for one and 23-0-0 for the other.  Norma ammo is speced minimum and will fit all 3, but will stretch alot too in all but 1909s.  1940's argy ammo is more uniform in base to shoulder length.  I measured some of the 1980's SF stuff with a stoney point tool and find some of it a bit longer from base to center of shoulder.  Also, I have seen max case lengths of 2.09 for norma, 2.10 for 1940's SF and Orbea ammo, and 2.11 for the 1980s SF ammo.  Confused yet they also show 2 different bore specs, .303 to .3105 for Belgian and .3012 to .3118 for the Argentine."

In 1990 an article appeared in issue #132 of Rifle Magazine that featured the 7.65X53 Mauser.  Gaulden, author of article, mentioned having a headspace problem with the SF 81 ammo in his 1909 Argentine rifle.  "Months later, a letter to the editor was posted which should prove definative on the issue."   " Under the heading 7.65 mauser update, Captain Luis A. Garcia Bourimborde, who was at that time the Argentine Defense Attache in Tokyo, who describes himself as an Ordnance Officer, states that the only designation for military ammo that was in use during the time all the rifles were manufactured was 7.65 Mauser, with no case lenght designation attached, and so all rifles were made to one chamber standard, within tolerances, whether 1891, 1909, or 1935 contract.  The case lenghth denomination didn't enter into the picture until the 1950s or 60s when NATO started so designating their ammo (7.62X51), and in the case of Argentina, they simply measured their case length and applied a two digit approximation by rounding up.  Bourimborde goes on to state that he is of the opinion the the SF 81 ammo is likely out of spec., which he had also previously found when inspecting prior lots of Argentine (SF) manufactured ammo, but never with the old DWM, FN, HP nor Rem-UMC.  He also states, "I can tell you for sure there were never two different 7.65 cartridges, only different denominations or headstamps."  He also further states, "Any 1891, 1909, or 1935 Argentine Mauser is safe with any military ammunition you can close the bolt on, no matter what effort is needed."  I'm not sure I wholly agree with that last statement, but I think the general meaning is correct.

Personally, from my readings of posts over the years, have reached conclusion, the chamber of a 1891 is cut slighly longer than that of a 1909.

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Re: My 91 argentine 7,65x53 mauser HELP ??????????????????????????
« Reply #29 on: February 26, 2010, 10:41:43 AM »
Now i'm rethinking my ideas since the 7,65x53 round really barks with the carbines and my barrel bore is .310/.311" i'm thinking of rereaming it to a 30-06 and installing a chamber adapter to a 7,62x39 russian.  This would give me a great rifle for one of the grandkids. Since its been a cut down and its not a real collectors piece.