Time for the old Roster to crow a little.
My youngest son just finished the season in wrestling.
He really had a great year.
He finished undefeated in the 189lb class among 6 middle schools.
Today they held the season ending tournament.
This is where the best from all the schools wrestle each other to determine the number 1 wrestler in each weight class.
This consists of three matches in each weight class in a playoff type of format.
By being undefeated he only had to wrestle the top boy in his class.
43 seconds latter and he was the champ.
This is only his second season wrestling.
Last year he finished fourth over all but still had a winning season.
His school was also the top school in points for the season with only one very close loss and they were the top school in the tournament today also.
Last year they held the same record only they were undefeated.
This is a fairly new school of only 5 years and they have won the tournament three years straight.
This is his last year in middle school.
He also was a starter on both the offense and the defense for the varsity football team as left & right guard.
What a way to finish your last year at middle school!
Now a month off and it's time for BASEBALL!!!