I'd like to tell you’ all something, I went down south a little ways on Thursday and Met one heck of a Good guy too get a hands on Lesson in WW melting Cleaning Fluxing Bullet making and anything else about pouring your own.
Dc was going take me through the Bullet process and he did
He is IMHO a wealth of info and a great Guy
The Meet and greet including Mrs. Crocket (very nice & polite BTW)
DC said! So what cha got? Reply! A half bucket of wheel weights a Lee Mould (Dc don't like them) and the Beeswax, I got in a PIF from you! Period
I explained in these words “I'm like Stevie Wonder, when it comes to this whole thing that’s why I’m here” he laughed and said that'll change real soon and away we went to setting up.
Dividing up the WW, trash pure lead and who' knows’ what out of my Bucket of soon to be Bullet Gold,
Fast forward, Put the WW’s to the heat ,while the lead was cooking , Dc scooted around Picking and Pulling different items out of the shed, Some of what he was grabbing, I knew of but had different associations to them not Bullet making and others I didn't recognize at all ,moving right along
We went to making Flux and Bullet Lube, grinding, crushing, Blow drying, and Melting (I'm sworn to secrecy) on this and others and I'm sticking too it

All the while I tended the WW stew Its My job
“tend and feed”
Dc had a huge magnet,I made mention of earlier on, about how good of and Idea and the strength of it ,that’s yours he said I said no he pressed I agreed, and that type of, no, yes, no yes, carried until I had more way more than I ever would have expected, So as the lead became molten he would stir the stew and take the mag and pull the clips from the pot and deposit in the trash (fast forward)
We poured the WW into home made Crocket moulds so simple a cave man could do it, but would a cave man think of it?? Good and cheap Made mould??
Just one of the many things DC makes for himself
I call it! and do it myself, thinking Out of the Box
Time was flying by and I had a fair drive so we started packing up the truck never getting around to the actual Pour of a Bullet, Not a big deal to me. DC had taken me through all the motions and I knew they would be a piece of cake
He lernt me a lot in the 10 or so Hours there and sent me on my way with a multitude of both material tools and mental notes
He went above and beyond, Fast forward: I stopped for Gas and had to look at those shiny new Lead bars in the bed of the truck there sat a bag of 300 bullets, he slipped in as I left
Darn you Crocket I said NO 
Thanks a million
