I didn't read the whole article; when I got to the part where no one is punished when a corporation breaks the law, I thought, well maybe you should talk to some of the folks at Enron. And I think that monkey, Madoff who ran that investment rip off was probably incorporated.
Anyway, I'll take my chances on corporate money, over union and even in some cases, individual contributions and those from lawyer groups. I worked for a large corporation and was a union member. That union contributed to politicians. The union money helped to get Dumbycrats elected. That pissed me off. The corporation most likely contributed to both sides out of self defense. Their purpose was to try to stay in business, which I thought was a good idea since they were keeping me employed.
There's a pretty simple way to solve this whole issue and I believe it would be Constitutional. A law should be passed that would allow corporations and organizations to contribute as much as they like, but only funds that are given voluntarily from stock holders and members.
Present law requires that unions refund to members who do not agree with political contributions, that portion of their dues that are spent in that way. Corporations should be required to declare a dividend to stock holders who do not give their permission for political contributions.