I understand what he's saying, and agree with some, but I have also seen the results of actual gun fights first hand, and am not talking about mine. I've never been blown up. He has me there.
When Squib however, starts talking about stopping attacks with bone breaking rounds he seems to limit himself to such things as spine and skull. Yes, he has been to war, but this is not, Afghanistan, nor Iraq. This is a stroll down a quite street, an evening at home, or a restaurant that suddenly goes south WITHOUT, "warning or expectation".
Having taught the subject of fight winning, and been taught, I found many more facets.
Example: Try using a gun hand with a shattered shoulder on that side, or a broken forearm, or a mangled hand. Try carrying the fight to the opponent, with a shattered pelvis, hip, or knee. You have been contained my friend. Like it or not.
A heart shot will not necessarily, stop an attack if the opponent has the proper mindset to win. HOWEVER! Regardless of that subject's mindset, or determination, if his inner support structure has been broken down, he is done in the way continuing to "carry" the fight.
Given these circumstances one has only, to either finish the task at ones leisure, or leave. It's that simple. I have myself, sat thru class, after boring class, on the difference in concealment, and cover, ricochet shooting, and on, and on, and on. Thru all this training I got, and all the training I gave to others, it boils down to CAN YOU APPLY IT when life for a few seconds gets very "uncomplicated"?
We are not talking about suppression fire from high capacity underpowered handguns, which is mostly TV eye candy. No diving over car hoods, or hitting every thing you shoot at while at a dead run. We are talking about the twinkling of an eye, 7 or 8 seconds of stand there and fight, and then it's over, and there is a winner, and a loser. Both opponents will be lucky to get that many rounds off (7 or 8 COMBINED), unless it's the cowardly drive by, and it too will be over in seconds. It will most likely end, as suddenly as it began. Reflective muscle memory, calm determination, and ENOUGH WEAPON POWER will, if God's intends, get you thru it.
If I have any of the theatrics going on described I intend to slip out of the situation, if I can. If not, I will step in, and get it over with quickly, with determination, and enough gun. The sooner the better.
Shoot outs I suppose can be fun "what if topics" to discuss, but as the saying goes: War is FUN! If ya don't get shot!