Over the past half-dozen years I've grown real fond of my .25-06 Rem 700 CDL, topped with a simple 6x Leupold. It's done a fine job from 30 - 400 yards on several mule deer. Wicked on coyotes too. Mostly anymore I use the 115 gr Berger VLD, but did take a couple of bucks with the tough little 100 gr Barnes TSX started at 3340 fps. It's proven to be a good deer cartridge & rifle.
Washington 4x4, 2008 - this one has a spread of about 26" and we estimated 250 pounds live weight. Long pack out back to the truck with him quartered up in our packs:

Wyoming 4x4, 2007:

Washington 3x3, 2005:

Young Washington buck, 2009:

That .25-06 has proven accurate, lethal, easy to shoot, and it's a good handling rifle too. Really has grown on me. On the other hand, I've hunted deer with quite a few other rigs as well over the years, archery gear, traditional muzzle loader, shotgun when I was on the east coast, and several different modern rifles, including the .45/70 Marlin. Am convinced that one doesn't need a cannon to kill a deer. Put a good bullet in the vitals, and go collect venison. Am pretty sure the choice of cartridge is more to please the hunter than to impress the deer. Haven't seen anything kill faster or more decisively than the little .243 Win & 6mm Remington cartridges, even out at 300 yards. Sometimes though, it's fun to shoot something bigger or different.
Regards, Guy