a large part of my life has been wasted studying the bible, praying, going to church and bible studies, taking courses on religion in college and many other religious activities.
I always felt that even if God didn't exist that following His ways were good for me and good for society. To me a life lived as if He existed (even if He didn't), was the best possible way to live. How can you disagree with that? Which of Christ's commandments and teachings are harmful to man? Which of them lead to a wasted life?
[/size]Evolution has passed all tests that would disprove it.
If that's what you believe, then you have more faith than I do! Scientists cannot not even begin to replicate the conditions that might create a single cell (which is phenomenally complex), let alone something like an insect, or a mammal! You use the fossil record to prove it, but the same record can say something completely different to someone approaching it with a different set of predispositions. The facts are always approached with a bias. If you think otherwise, you are naive.
[/size]Scientists are not desperate to prove this; they are very interested and passionate about getting at the truth.
I never got this impression, especially after all of the "missing link" hoaxes they've tried to foist on the public. They are an embarrassment.
[/size]I must use my reason, logic, and other faculties to determine the right course of action. There are no god-given laws or morals upon which I can depend. Nor do I want there to be. This is the prerequisite to true freedom; true responsibility.
Without an external set of principles and laws, man is doomed to come up with his own idea of right and wrong. History has proven the folly and tragedy of this over and over again. You think the morals and values you've come up with are right. Well so did Hitler. So did countless other incredibly wicked men throughout history. I'd rather not leave the decision of what's right and what's wrong in the hands of a man. Anyone who thinks he's capable of being right in this area has an incredibly large ego, and that alone makes me afraid of him. What is your definition of true freedom? Is it merely freedom from a guilty conscience for violating the commandments of a just God?
[/size]We atheists are among the most hated groups in America; we are in no position to force anything on anybody.
Are we speaking of America here? Who hates you atheists so much? Have you ever seen the documentary
Expelled? Atheists run the vast majority of our education institutions. They systematically discriminate and "expell" those who don't see things the way they do.
[/size]Evolution is sound science; at least as sound as the theory of gravity, the germ theory of disease, or the theory of general relativity.
Maybe to you, but not to me, and not to many credible and qualified scientists.
[/size]You used to kill us (inquisition)
Research how many people were killed by "Christians" versus atheists (Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, and many others up to the present). There is no comparison. You should google the debates between your recently deceased spokesman Hitchens and Dinesh D'Souza. Even your atheist friends were dismayed by the outcomes. Mr. D'Souza argues very effectively against this same argument make by Hitchens.
[/size]blocking stem cell research, banning abortion and gay marriage, trying to get the laughable idea of intelligent design (I know it is laughable because I used to be a firm believer in it and studied it extensively in a christian college during my undergraduate work) taught in public schools, and many other “faith-based initiatives.”
Either every life is precious and sacred, or no life is sacred and precious. If you want to read a chilling portrayal of a godless society ruled by science, read
Brave New World and
1984. Every American should read those classics. I teach young people and every day I encounter the pain they live with because of parents who follow the beliefs you hold to. Talk to the women who have had abortions and live with the emotional trauma they have caused. What is wrong with "faith based initiatives"? Aren't these generally humanitarian efforts aimed to better the lives of the unfortunate? As I've mentioned, I grew up with natives in the middle of the rainforest. They had no electricity or plumbing or most of the things we think necessary for life. Yet they were more noble and happy and healthy than most of the Americans I'm surrounded by here in this country. We told them that many Americans believe that people descended from apes. They laughed and said, "They're stupid!"
[/size]I would like to hear of even one item that atheists have gotten passed into law. There have been a few cases (not nearly enough) of atheists demanding that the constitution be enforced in the case of church and state not being separated, but this is the only thing I am aware of of this nature.
Once again you seem sadly ignorant of your own country's history. Not that many years ago, when my mother went to public school in New Jersey, every day was started with a reading from the Psalms and a prayer. Legislative sessions today are still begun with prayer. You don't know your own founding fathers. You don't know the spirit of your own Constitution. I believe the writers of it would be completely repulsed by secular and godless attitudes like your own.
[/size]I will continue to protest against the faith-based initiatives that Christians push for because they are too often based on ignorance and are very often damaging to certain populations.
You must be seeing things that I don't see. What damage are these initiatives causing? What are you doing to help deal with the problems they are targeting? How are you being more effective than they are?
[/size]I have much more hope and joy as an atheist than I ever found as a christian. In fact, I felt depressed and hopeless when I was a christian, which I was for the vast majority of my life (so far). I would no more “try god again” than I would volunteer for the slavery I felt as a christian.
[/size] I am not abandoning god, I have admitted to myself that I have a lack of belief in god. These are two very different things. I am being honest with myself. I do not believe and am no longer trying to pretend that I do. Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.
My experience has been the exact opposite. Life without God was hopelessly dark and miserable. I honestly don't know how people make it from day to day without the hope, peace, and joy I get from a God Who loves and cares for me so deeply He knows how many hairs are on my head. Liberty is finally being and living who I was made to live and be. I think most men dread it because they would rather be their own god.