The massive assumption you’re making is that the universe was just always there, but you can’t see the illogic in that. How convenient to say that life evolved from a primordial ooze that just happened to always be there, and just happened to have all the correct constituents for life in it. are getting close. You say that the assumption that the universe was always just there is illogical and yet you accept the existence of a supernatural being possessed of amazing powers - the assumption that you are making is that this being/God "was just always there". In fact, those amazing powers render your assumption even more massive. Occam's Razor tells us that, all other things being equal, the simpler explanation is usually the correct one.
I understand that you will probably not go with the Occam idea. I do wonder, though, why your very massive assumption is logical and my less massive assumption is not.
The second part of the quoted reference contains an idea that is incorrect - actually, it is a misunderstanding that you made earlier and which I did not correct at the time.
Primordial ooze - I never said that the ooze "was just always there". The "universe" as a whole is far older than the Earth. Given that difference in age, there was evidently enough time for whatever was needed to come together. You believe that the spark came from the finger of God. I was not there and so do not know.
Note: I have never said that there is no God. What I have said is that such belief requires a leap of faith, a leap past logic, a step beyond what can be known. Many folk who are strong believers do not like being told that there is an irrational quality to their belief and attempt to justify the "logic" of it with all sorts of information, some of which is actually true, most of which has little or no bearing on the basic issue.
The other responses to these ideas are fair examples of what I have just written. They are well intended but not what I have been writing about.
The Bible, all those archeological discoveries, the continuing argument about evolution....all beside the point.
About Dr. Craig.... Not surprising that his name should show up. He is far from unbiased and even farther from rigorous in his arguments. In effect, he tells believers what they want to hear. It is feel good writing but far from acceptable argumentation. If you know what a "straw man" is, then you have a sense of how he operates.
A syllogism from Dr. Craig:
Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
The universe began to exist.
Therefore, the universe has a cause.
Really? Substitute "God" for "universe".....does it still work for you?