Fact is...Saddam had yellowcake..when he got it is of little import, he still had it to use. Next, you're going tio tell us Saddam wasn't a bad man...
Yes, Isreal has had nukes for some time..they haven't threatened to blow Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon or Iran "off the map", they are not likely to hand over nuclear weapons or dirty bomb material to jihadists and Prime Minister Netanyahu is not trying to assist any 12th mahdi in starting a worldwide conflagration .
Of course, the treaty signed in 1991, after Saddam got his butt kicked in 100 hours, agreed to many things..no fly zones, no WMD..or capacity to make them and open and free inspections to international inspoctors. Looks like he bnroke all those agreements ..and plenty more.
Rio Grande;
You continually berate Israel while ignoring the thousands of attacks made by jihadists,
http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/index.html#Attacks ..wherein thousands here in the US were murdered, is astounding ! Your self-imposed silence concerning Islamic atrocities..speaks very loudly! I doubt it is because you love the Muslim murderers so very much..but rather that you simply have extreme hatred of the Jews. (Did you read in the left column of the website..14, 776 deadly attacks since 9/11)..but I guess that means nothing to you...
...All I can reply to you is;
"If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and waddles like a duck....well..