Calling the esteemed and honest and forthright East Coast Moderator. Hello Cat Whisperer, Tim, are you out there? You have a golden opportunity here, Tim, to save 1Southpaw, Ernie, some serious trouble and possible injury. As soon as I saw his posting just prior to this one and realized what he was thinking about trying, I thought about you. Didn't a person who you know very, very well, in fact, better than anybody I can think of, have an identical idea which he then tried out with some friends about two years ago just after the 4th of July? If I remember the story correctly, didn't this person you know so very well have unexpected problems with the projection of multiple GBs skyward, pertaining to the descending branch of their trajectory, in that they landed all around the mortar battery, itself? I seem to recall a theory that you espoused about a 'Dynamic among the Balls' which might possibly have caused this unusual anomaly to occur. I will defer to your more perfect memory of that story and the warnings associated with it.
Thanks Tim for your help on this one, Ernie is a real nice guy and we wouldn't want to see him get hurt trying out a new idea.
Mike and Tracy