I recently bought a new Benelli M1 Super 90 in 20ga. So far I really like it with one exception. The manual shows two methods of unloading the magazine.
The first requires removing the chambered shell (it does not automatically feed the next shell from the magazine when you do this), close the bolt, trip the cocked hammer with the little lever by the trigger guard, open the action (which feeds the next shell but does not lock the action open), and then either cycle the shell through the chamber to eject it or wave the gun around while holding the bolt back in an attempt to drop the shell out of the gun. I dont care for this method at all!
The second is to depress the magazine gate, reach your finger in and depress the shell holder in at the mouth of the magazine to release the shells one at a time (something like my Model 12 but you have to depress the shell holder on the Benelli). This would be my preferred method but it takes Godzilla strength and steel fingers to accomplish the task.
Has anyone figured out a better way or some trick to unload this gun?