Author Topic: The great debate...  (Read 573 times)

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Offline slickest

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The great debate...
« on: February 06, 2010, 05:10:30 PM »
Im looking to see what everyones favorite varmint, predator, or both combined rifle is? Also what is this calibers primary use for and how far of shots?

I just purchased a .22-250 for some pdawgs since I moved to wyoming. It was a toss up between a .22-250 or a .223. I ended up going with the .22-250. we can have some long shots and some windy days. thats why I choose the .22-250 over the .223

Offline calling4life

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Re: The great debate...
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2010, 06:21:28 PM »
Im looking to see what everyones favorite varmint, predator, or both combined is? Also what is this calibers primary use for and how far of shots?

I just purchased a .22-250 for some pdawgs since I moved to wyoming. It was a toss up between a .22-250 or a .223. I ended up going with the .22-250. we can have some long shots and some windy days. thats why I choose the .22-250 over the .223

My favorite varmint, predator or both combined is.... I gotta go with Manbearpig 

Did you mean to ask what our favorite varmint and/or predator rifle is....  The second question... are you asking for our primary use of the caliber, and how far our average shots are or what???
Take a little time, type clearly so the people that have to read and respond to this can understand you.   ???

Offline roper

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Re: The great debate...
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2010, 04:16:04 AM »
Im looking to see what everyones favorite varmint, predator, or both combined is? Also what is this calibers primary use for and how far of shots?

I just purchased a .22-250 for some pdawgs since I moved to wyoming. It was a toss up between a .22-250 or a .223. I ended up going with the .22-250. we can have some long shots and some windy days. thats why I choose the .22-250 over the .223

I sure understand what your asking.  What I normally do is take acouple rifles for a day of PD shooting and I'll use calibers that take less than 30gr of powder for the close in shots and calibers that use over that for the longer shots.  We get some windy days out eastern Co also and wish I had 50 cal for those days. 

Most all my shooting the last few years been under 400yds and were not seeing the big dog towns we're use too so were having to move alot more.  If me an my partner fire 400rd that a good day shooting,  5/6 yrs ago we fire 1500rd in a day and  use 6/8 rifles and the plague hit some of the ranches we hunt and the PD just never recovered.

I get up around timerline for some rock chucks hunting and use a 22-250AI.

Offline Wyo. Coyote Hunter

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Re: The great debate...
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2010, 06:14:01 AM »
 :)Slickest, While my favorite .22 cal. is the .22-250, or one of its close rivals, when you talk p. dog shooting you will hammer the throat in that caliber very quickly if you get it hot...It had several go in about 4400 rounds shooting p. I did not baby them...if I were getting a dog rifle, it would be either a .222 or the .223 makes the most sense...My .222 has over 7000 rds though it and it is super accurate...It shows less wear than my .22-250 AI with just over 2000 rds. down the bore....If you are going to do volume dog shooting, and can find it you will do your self a favor to get a .223...roper isright with taking a couple rifles if the dog town is they are mostly shot out, or under private control and the volume of shooting is not that great...Plus if you shoot public land, please wait til they have their young..Soo many IDIOTS start shooting as soon as the dogs come out and wonder why there are no dogs next year.....

Offline slickest

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Re: The great debate...
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2010, 09:22:38 AM »
I hate reading theese forums because they always make me 2nd guess my decisions. this is primairly going to be a pdog gun. i dont see myself using it for much more than that. the part that sucks is I already have the rifle on order. now im going to have to think my decision over again.

Offline roper

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Re: The great debate...
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2010, 11:57:46 AM »
I hate reading theese forums because they always make me 2nd guess my decisions. this is primairly going to be a pdog gun. i dont see myself using it for much more than that. the part that sucks is I already have the rifle on order. now im going to have to think my decision over again.

When I first started shooting varmits mid 60's I used a 243 wore the barrel out then rebarrel it wore that barrel out rebarrel I'm on barrel # 
9 for that rifle.  Enjoy what you have or going to get.

I know excaltly how many rds I fired in each of my varmit rifles for me just a way to keep count on how many total in all my rifles I'll shoot per year.   

I'm on my 4th barrel for the 22-250AI thats how I keep track.  I always figure the minute I shoot the first rd down that barrel I'm going to have to replace at some point so why worry about that until it happens.

Offline Catfish

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Re: The great debate...
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2010, 02:08:27 PM »
I`m waiting on the 2 nd barrel for my .22-6mm. The first went in about 1,000 rounds. My favorite varmint cal. is the one I have in my hand at the time.  ;D I now own or have owned 4 different .17 cal. rounds, 6 different .22 cal rounds, a .243 and 2 different .25 cal rounds. It`s not good to get into a rut.  ;)