Paid $60 for it as you see it....perfect condition with a K-Mart 4x All-Pro scope.
Was at the range at my club and it was jamming up on the guy shooting it...he was getting disgusted with it and told me $75 and I could have it.
I shot it and it would jam before the 1st 3 rds through the 10 rd mag.
I gave it back to him and said thanks but no thanks.
He stuck around a couple more hours then as he was packing up he told me $60 and I could have it scope and all....I figured any gun was worth $60 so I said ok.
I took it home and noticed the mag feed ramp was very rough...took a soft Dremel polishing bit and some Flitz and got the ramp mirror smooth and polished.
The next week took it to the range and put 500 rds through it with no problems at all....very accurate of my favorites to take to the range now...