If you look at the stats, Bush received the American Arab-Muslim vote almost completely, both terms - thats a million plus voters. Obama received fewer votes from that same block by comparison, although he did receive the majority vote. Of course he received the majority vote from white native born english speaking christian americans too.
Having pastored (christian churches) in the Arabic speaking community in the last 20 years, I know there are a few million muslims (and other middle easterners) who came here to be Americans. They want to work hard, be left alone, and enjoy freedom from the oppressive countries they left. Yes, there are a few more who came here for other reasons.
But do we not have our own 10%? 10% of white americans, from multi-generational white american families who are an embarassment to us all, but constantly get the limelight? Did they not vote for Obama? Did not the UAW back Obama? Do you imagine for a moment that Islam is different?
It is true the Qu'ran teaches a religion of submission and hate, but there are numerous Muslim nations currently operating with greater levels of democracy and prosperity than our Nation is headed for. Its just like shooting, make sure you are certain of your target before you fire.