Ladobe,,,That is good information...I think I said this morning was dead still that was unusual for Wy. in the winter...I have went over this shot in my head several times, and as I said the first hit was in the back legs... this prevented him from getting off on me...When I thought about the second shot, and I have done it a hundred times, he was slightly quartered away from me...that little bullet may have hit a rib going in, and thus the larger exit hole...I was surprised at the knock down of the bullets and exit...I f I had been going to try this shot knowingly, I would have had my target .300, but I got by this time...
Bigvarmit, your comment about shooting the chuck made me think of how lucky I am to be here...All of my life I have lived with in a short drive or walk of hunting..When I was young, I hunted something almost everyday, from chucks to crows to foxes...something of course game when in of the things that attracted me to Wy. was the large amt. of varmit luck, I landed in the Platte Valley..the first 20 years I lived here killing a coyote was an event...due to high fur prices, and predator control efforts...but the slack was taken up with gophers, prairie dogs, and jackrabbits...the varmit shooting was unreal in those days...mostly I shot gophers with various .22 rifles, simply because there were sooooooo many....and the prairie dogs were also rancher offered to buy my .22 shells to shoot on his place, but I told him I would use my .222 and .22-250....they numbers were fantastic...the whitetail dogs are easier shooting than blacktails...and the gophers wow...the first morning I shot the ranch I just mentioned , I took a brick of Remingtion 22 LRHP ammo and some extras, maybe a 100..when I pulled into the fields, it was a drizzly morning in May...not great for gophers, but I figured I would try, I was teaching so only had the weekend...I opened the gate, and drove in I think I had a Remington 521T...I would drive a ways and park and shoot..(it was legal) before I went a quarter mile, I had shot up all my ammo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shot thousands of gophers in that field over the next years, but about the time I retired, the forman died suddenly...his step son took over the ranch, now they charge a mere $275 per day to shoot...As for coyotes, in the early 90's the population took off..Some where around the middle 90's we began to kill them regularly, on most hunts a guy could count on seeing some...that has held til now...lucky for me I do have a permit to hunt coyotes on the big ranch with all the gophers...At present my girl friend and I are considering a move to the northern part of the state, more isolated, and hopefully more shooting...good luck...time is short, hunt hard...