Ah. You answer what I meant by "magic"; it's something told by some on the web. BR or not, and if they get good accuracy on a cam-over press or not, the facts are two.
One; Serious BR shooters don't normally use threaded presses and dies for anything except case forming and occasional FL sizing/shoulder bumps. The press they use for that rarely, if ever, matters.
Two; For what they do use a threaded press and dies for doesn't require cam-over, any press will do as good as any other. It's the methods and rifles they use for accuracy that matters, not so much the press.
I love Lee's collet neck sizers and I have no problem using them in either my RC or older (no camming) Lyman and Lee. It's simply a matter of minor die adjustments for either type press.
Buy any press you wish, learn to use it properly and you will be fine. And, good luck in your pursut of ultra-accuracy!