Sometimes I take the Weaver #62 scope rail and turn it around and drill a new hole in one part and hawg out the existing ones to get three screws in the rail. This rail is lower in height. Sometimes depending on the scope type and the eye relief needed, medium rings can work. I keep four sets of those inexpensive aluminum Tasco/Simmons type in medium and high for such adventures. For untapped Tracker II shotgun barrels the 62 works great as it has no pre drilled holes. Like I indicated the rifle barrels require modification.
I have found that the smaller ocular bell type scopes like the Weaver V3 or the Leupold 1-4x20 seem to fit lowest on the barrel, and are all I use now on the handi-toppers I own. I see the Simmons 1.5-5's and the 2x in 20 mm are hard to find and probably discontinued, though I have no experience with them, they would probably be likely "low fitting" candidates as well.
I wish other companies would keep that ocular bell smaller in diameter on some scopes to clear the handi type hammer. I really dislike bobbing the hammer and only did it once to a .308 I nolonger have.